Preguntas frecuentes falsas de Covid___draft_final_4 (prueba final)

Como dijo el Dr. House: Todo el mundo miente.

Decidí escribir este texto después de leer un post reciente sobre Habré de un "escéptico", así como luego de largas discusiones con varias personas que están seguras de que todo esto es falso y más. En este texto, no valoro la politización del tema, la equivocación de las decisiones tomadas o la necesidad de alguna acción. El propósito de este texto es únicamente disipar los mitos de que las personas se arrojan por ignorancia, pereza, enojo o para engañar al oponente. También trato de no tocar las preguntas de quién lo necesita y cuál es el propósito, porque entiendo perfectamente que si estás paranoico, no significa que no te sigan.

El texto se divide en dos partes: Covid en particular y Virología en general.

Si tiene adiciones o correcciones, escríbalas en los comentarios con argumentos y, si es necesario, citando las fuentes.

Si tiene una pregunta o declaración que desea agregar, intente escribirla en el mismo formato (pregunta, explicación, fuentes) y también déjela en los comentarios; trataré de agregar tanto como sea posible.


El virus no ha sido aislado

Luego se aisló un nuevo coronavirus, que se denominó 2019-nCoV, de una muestra del tracto respiratorio inferior y poco después se desarrolló una prueba de diagnóstico para este virus. Fuente

  • Y su genoma

  • Un nuevo coronavirus aislado de humanos y este es un montón de coronavirus antiguo: preste atención a la fecha, esto no es Sars-CoV2

Hay más efectos secundarios y muertes por la vacuna covid que por la covid misma

VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) , .csv

. , 1990 2021 . , , , , , . - VAERS.


  • : 180 596 682 (), 317 983 185 ( )

  • : 365 327 0.2% 0.11%

  • : 5078 (1.39% , 0.0028% , 0.0016% )

  • : 6278 (1.72% , 0.0034% , 0.0020% )

: 0.0028% + 0.0034% = 0.0062% . .


  • : 33 257 768

  • : 597 727 (1,79% )

: 0,0062% 1,79% . .


Who can report to VAERS?

VAERS accepts reports from anyone. Patients, parents, caregivers and healthcare providers (HCP) are encouraged to report adverse events after vaccination to VAERS even if it is not clear that the vaccine caused the adverse event. In addition, HCP are required to report certain adverse events after vaccination.


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Cause of Death and COVID-19

When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death on the death certificate, it is coded and counted as a death due to COVID-19. COVID-19 should not be reported on the death certificate if it did not cause or contribute to the death.


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14 2020 . 30% 60% , 68% 64% .

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VAERS - 5078 10542.

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, , 1000 . 18 .

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SELECT   row_number() over() AS "#", *
  vt as vax_code,
  totals AS total_reports,
  death AS deaths,
  round((death / totals)*100, 2) AS death_percent,
  round((life_threat / totals)*100, 2) AS life_threat_percent,
  round((er_visit / totals)*100, 2) AS er_percent,
    (SELECT count(*)::decimal FROM vax WHERE "VAX_TYPE"=vg.vt) AS totals,
      SELECT count(*)::decimal
      FROM vax LEFT JOIN vax_data AS vd ON (vd."VAERS_ID"=vax."VAERS_ID")
    ) AS death,
        SELECT count(*)::decimal
        FROM vax LEFT JOIN vax_data AS vd ON (vd."VAERS_ID"=vax."VAERS_ID")
    ) AS life_threat,
        SELECT count(*)::decimal
        FROM vax LEFT JOIN vax_data AS vd ON (vd."VAERS_ID"=vax."VAERS_ID")
    ) AS er_visit,
        SELECT count(*)::decimal
        FROM vax LEFT JOIN vax_data AS vd ON (vd."VAERS_ID"=vax."VAERS_ID")
    ) AS other_effects,
    (SELECT description FROM vax_description AS vdesc WHERE vdesc.code=vg.vt LIMIT 1) AS vax_desc

  FROM (
      SELECT "VAX_TYPE" AS vt FROM vax
      GROUP BY vt
  ) as vg
) as data

WHERE death > 0 AND life_threat > 0 AND totals > 1000
ORDER BY death_percent DESC, life_threat_percent DESC
LIMIT 20) as dataset


Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD.

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  • 100 1 , 1%.

  • 1000 900 , , 0.1%.

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CO2 6 - 0.268 1.391 (% ).

P.S. : CO2 , , ?


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given the belief that the virus causing COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, is a bioweapon [10,11] and it is possible that the viral spike protein may have been designed to cause prion disease.

, , COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, [10,11], , , , , .

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, - , : N% , M% .

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Autoimmunity and the opposing condition, metabolic syndrome, are well know adverse events caused by vaccines [14]. COVID-19 infections are associated with the induction of autoantibodies and autoimmune disease [15,16] making it more than plausible a vaccine could do the same.

, , , [14]. COVID-19 [15,16], , .

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, %medicament_name% covid-19

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COVID-19 convalescent plasma , . , .

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Antibodies that an individual produces when they’ve been exposed to the virus are slightly different from the antibodies that an individual produces when they’ve been vaccinated. When an individual has been infected with a virus, they produce antibodies to multiple regions of a virus. At the Red Cross, we use two antibody tests to generate our results on blood, platelet and plasma donations. One test – Ortho’s total test – detects antibodies to the spike protein of the virus. The other detects antibodies to a different protein of the virus called the nucleocapsid protein. If a donor has had the COVID-19 vaccine, they will generate an antibody against the spike protein but not the nucleocapsid protein, which will only occur in the event of a COVID-19 infection.

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  • Vaccination blood donation

  • Common questions



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Figure 6.3.1: Membrane filters can be used to remove cells or viruses from a solution. (a) This scanning electron micrograph shows rod-shaped bacterial cells captured on the surface of a membrane filter. Note differences in the comparative size of the membrane pores and bacteria. Viruses will pass through this filter. (b) The size of the pores in the filter determines what is captured on the surface of the filter (animal [red] and bacteria [blue]) and removed from liquid passing through. Note the viruses (green) pass through the finer filter. (credit a: modification of work by U.S. Department of Energy)
Figure 6.3.1: Membrane filters can be used to remove cells or viruses from a solution. (a) This scanning electron micrograph shows rod-shaped bacterial cells captured on the surface of a membrane filter. Note differences in the comparative size of the membrane pores and bacteria. Viruses will pass through this filter. (b) The size of the pores in the filter determines what is captured on the surface of the filter (animal [red] and bacteria [blue]) and removed from liquid passing through. Note the viruses (green) pass through the finer filter. (credit a: modification of work by U.S. Department of Energy)

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Then I suddenly made the discovery that the juice from diseased plants obtained by grinding was a certain infectious substance for healthy plants.

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Bacterial cultures of the spinal cord had been sterile, and injection of a suspension of the ground-up cord into rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice also had given negative results.

The bacteriologically sterile material obtained from the spinal cord of the fatal human case was injected into the two animals intraperitoneally. The Cynocephalus monkey succumbed eight days later… The real test came when histological sections of the spinal cord revealed typical and extensive lesions which had a remarkably close resemblance to the lesion of human poliomyelitis. Similar, though not such widespread, changes were found in the sections of the cord from the second monkey, which developed complete flaccid paralysis of both legs…

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Figure 1. (a) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viewed with transmission electron microscope. (b) Plants infected with tobacco mosaic disease (TMD), caused by TMV. (credit a: modification of work by USDA Agricultural Research Service—scale-bar data from Matt Russell; credit b: modification of work by USDA Forest Service, Department of Plant Pathology Archive North Carolina State University)
Figure 1. (a) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viewed with transmission electron microscope. (b) Plants infected with tobacco mosaic disease (TMD), caused by TMV. (credit a: modification of work by USDA Agricultural Research Service—scale-bar data from Matt Russell; credit b: modification of work by USDA Forest Service, Department of Plant Pathology Archive North Carolina State University)

Figure 2. (a) In this transmission electron micrograph, a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria) is dwarfed by the bacterial cell it infects. (b) An illustration of the bacteriophage in the micrograph. (credit a: modification of work by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, LBL, PBD
Figure 2. (a) In this transmission electron micrograph, a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria) is dwarfed by the bacterial cell it infects. (b) An illustration of the bacteriophage in the micrograph. (credit a: modification of work by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, LBL, PBD
Figura 2: Bacteriófagos adheridos a una célula huésped (micrografía electrónica de transmisión).  En bacteriófagos con colas, como el que se muestra aquí, las colas sirven como pasaje para la transmisión del genoma del fago.  (crédito: modificación del trabajo del Dr. Graham Beards; datos de barra de escala de Matt Russell)
Figure 2: Bacteriophages attached to a host cell (transmission electron micrograph). In bacteriophage with tails, like the one shown here, the tails serve as a passageway for transmission of the phage genome. (credit: modification of work by Dr. Graham Beards; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)


%virus_name% virus microscope photo

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Three-dimensional structure determination by cryo-EM involves averaging the information present in 2D projection images of multiple copies of individual particles, which are oriented variably with respect to the incident electron beam.

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  • 3D- . :

  • Cryo-EM of viruses and vaccine design

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If they would if they could find this virus in you at all and with pcr if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody.

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  • Janet Ossebaard

UPD: 03/07/2021

Muchas gracias a todos los escritores de comentarios de la publicación original por las respuestas bien razonadas y los enlaces a las fuentes. Especialmente @tyderh

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