Escribir un analizador DBML en PHP

A veces surge la tarea de analizar un DSL arbitrario para seguir trabajando con él a nivel de código PHP. Y quiero compartir mi experiencia de resolver este problema con ejemplos.

Durante bastante tiempo he estado usando el servicio dbdiagram para diseñar una estructura de base de datos para proyectos futuros o existentes. Elegí este servicio porque es bastante fácil de usar. Describimos la estructura de las tablas en DBML e inmediatamente vemos el resultado.

Ejemplo de estructura y presentación visual
Ejemplo de estructura y presentación visual

, DBML , .

, : PHP , , Laravel .

, GO, , , PHP.

: , (       () , «»). () .

// full_name varchar [not null, unique, default: 1]

//    JSON 
    {"name": "IDENT", "string": "full_name", "pos": [0, 9]},
    {"name": "IDENT", "string": "varchar", "pos": [0, 17]},
    {"name": "LBRACK", "string": "[", "pos": [0, 18]},
    {"name": "NOT", "string": "not", "pos": [0, 22]},
    {"name": "NULL", "string": "null", "pos": [0, 27]},
    {"name": "COMMA", "string": ",", "pos": [0, 27]},
    {"name": "UNIQUE", "string": "unique", "pos": [0, 35]},
    {"name": "COMMA", "string": ",", "pos": [0, 35]},
    {"name": "DEFAULT", "string": "default", "pos": [0, 44]},
    {"name": "COLON", "string": ":", "pos": [0, 44]},
    {"name": "INT", "string": "1", "pos": [0, 46]},
    {"name": "RBRACK", "string": "]", "pos": [0, 47]}

, .

//     DBML
Project test {
  database_type: 'PostgreSQL'
  Note: 'Description of the project'

    {"name":"DSTRING","string":"Description of the project","pos":[2,9]},


, .


$tokens = TokenCollection(...);

$token = $tokens->nextToken();

//         ,    
if (!$token->is(Token::IDENT) && !$token->is(Token::DSTRING)) {
  throw new ParserException('Project does not have a name');

$name = $token->getString();

//     LBRACE
$token = $tokens->nextToken();
if (!$token->is('LBRACE')) {
  throw new ParserException('Expects {');

$project = new Project($name);

do {
  $token = $tokens->nextToken();

  switch ($token->getName()) {
    case Token::IDENT:
      switch ($token->getString()) {
        case 'database_type':
          throw new ParserException('Expects database_type');
    //    ,     
    case Token::NOTE:
    //   ,    
    case 'RBRACE':
      return $project;
      throw new ParserException(sprintf('Invalid token %s', $token->getString()));
} while ($tokens->valid());

50% DBML, , , , .


PHP Russia 2021 @SerafimArts phplrt, AST. .. .

, , , DBML, EBNF. EBNF phplrt , AST. .

phplrt EBNF php , .

DBML :)))


Project test {
  database_type: 'PostgreSQL'
  Note: 'Description of the project'

, .. , .

%token  T_PROJECT               (?<=\b)Project\b
%token  T_NOTE                  (?<=\b)Note\b
// ,  
%token  T_QUOTED_STRING         ('{3}|["']{1})([^'"][\s\S]*?)\1
%token  T_WORD                  [a-zA-Z_]+
%token  T_LBRACE            {
%token  T_RBRACE            }
%token  T_COLON             :
%token  T_EOL               \\n
// ,      
%skip   T_WHITESPACE        \s+


    ::T_PROJECT:: <T_WORD> ::T_LBRACE:: ::T_EOL::
    ::T_RBRACE:: ::EOL::

// #Project -   (  ),     

//  ::TOKEN_NAME::   AST
//  <TOKEN_NAME>        

, , .

//  database_type: 'PostgreSQL'

//  Note: 'Description of the project'

// ( <T_WORD> | <T_QUOTED_STRING> )   ,      

    //  DBML        
    //     (...)*
        // Project() |
        // Table() |
        // TableGroup() |
        // Enum() |
        // Ref()      

    ::T_PROJECT:: <T_WORD> ::T_LBRACE:: ::T_EOL::
    //      0   
    (ProjectSetting() | Note() ::T_EOL::)*
    ::T_RBRACE:: ::T_EOL::

. , . .

xml .

<DBML offset="0">
    <Project offset="0">
        <T_WORD offset="8">project_name</T_WORD>
        <ProjectSetting offset="27">
            <T_WORD offset="27">database_type</T_WORD>
            <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="42">'PostgreSQL'</T_QUOTED_STRING>
        <Note offset="59">
            <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="65">'Description of the project'</T_QUOTED_STRING>

, , XML , ?

. phplrt PHP

!!!!!! . XML , .

, .

#Project -> {
    return new ProjectNode(
        // $children -   
        //    \Butschster\Dbml\Ast\Project\SettingNode 
        //  \Butschster\Dbml\Ast\NoteNode
        $token->getOffset(), $children

#ProjectSetting -> {
    return new SettingNode(
        // \current($children) - 
        // \end($children) - 
        $token->getOffset(), \current($children), \end($children)

#Note -> {
    return new NoteNode(
        // \end($children)  
        $token->getOffset(), \end($children)


class ProjectNode
    private ?string $note = null;
    /** @var SettingNode[] */
    private array $settings = [];
    private string $name;

    public function __construct(
        private int $offset,
        array $children
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if ($child instanceof NoteNode) {
                $this->note = $child->getDescription();
            } else if ($child instanceof SettingNode) {
                $this->settings[$child->getKey()] = $child;
            } else if ($child instanceof NameNode) {
                $this->name = $child->getValue();

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function getNote(): ?string
        return $this->note;

    public function getSettings(): array
        return $this->settings;

class NoteNode
    private string $description;

    public function __construct(private int $offset, StringNode $string)
        $this->description = $string->getValue();

    public function getDescription(): string
        return $this->description;

class SettingNode
    private string $key;
    private string $value;

    public function __construct(
        private int $offset, SettingKeyNode $key, StringNode $value
        $this->key = $key->getValue();
        $this->value = $value->getValue();

    public function getKey(): string
        return $this->key;

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->value;

. , DBML , .

phplrt EBNF :

  1. DBML

  2. EBNF

  3. XML ,


class ProjectParserTest extends TestCase
    function test_project_with_single_line_note_should_be_parsed()
Project project_name {
    Note: 'Description of the project'
    database_type: 'PostgreSQL'
            , <<<AST
<Schema offset="0">
    <Project offset="0">
        <ProjectName offset="8">
            <String offset="8">
                <T_WORD offset="8">project_name</T_WORD>
        <Note offset="27">
            <String offset="33">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="33">'Description of the project'</T_QUOTED_STRING>
        <ProjectSetting offset="66">
            <ProjectSettingKey offset="66">
                <T_WORD offset="66">database_type</T_WORD>
            <String offset="81">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="81">'PostgreSQL'</T_QUOTED_STRING>

    function test_project_with_multi_line_note_should_be_parsed()
Project project_name {
    database_type: 'PostgreSQL'
    Note: '''
        # DBML - Database Markup Language
        (database markup language) is a simple, readable DSL language designed to define database structures.

        ## Benefits
        * It is simple, flexible and highly human-readable
        * It is database agnostic, focusing on the essential database structure definition without worrying about the detailed syntaxes of each database
        * Comes with a free, simple database visualiser at [](
            , <<<AST
<Schema offset="0">
    <Project offset="0">
        <ProjectName offset="8">
            <String offset="8">
                <T_WORD offset="8">project_name</T_WORD>
        <ProjectSetting offset="27">
            <ProjectSettingKey offset="27">
                <T_WORD offset="27">database_type</T_WORD>
            <String offset="42">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="42">'PostgreSQL'</T_QUOTED_STRING>
        <Note offset="59">
            <String offset="65">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="65">'''
    # DBML - Database Markup Language
    (database markup language) is a simple, readable DSL language designed to define database structures.

    ## Benefits
    * It is simple, flexible and highly human-readable
    * It is database agnostic, focusing on the essential database structure definition without worrying about the detailed syntaxes of each database
    * Comes with a free, simple database visualiser at [](

    function test_project_with_block_note_should_be_parsed()
Project project_name {
    database_type: 'PostgreSQL'
    Note {
        'This is a note of this table'
            , <<<AST
<Schema offset="0">
    <Project offset="0">
        <ProjectName offset="8">
            <String offset="8">
                <T_WORD offset="8">project_name</T_WORD>
        <ProjectSetting offset="27">
            <ProjectSettingKey offset="27">
                <T_WORD offset="27">database_type</T_WORD>
            <String offset="42">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="42">'PostgreSQL'</T_QUOTED_STRING>
        <Note offset="59">
            <String offset="74">
                <T_QUOTED_STRING offset="74">'This is a note of this table'</T_QUOTED_STRING>

DBML EBNF, phplrt php , ( ).

yet another DBML parser written on PHP8 ( ) -

Se completó la primera etapa de mi plan. Ahora queda por hacer un generador de modelos y migraciones.

Como resultado de trabajar con la herramienta phplrt, quiero expresar mi respeto y respeto a @SerafimArts por él, quien ayudó a cambiar radicalmente el enfoque del análisis de idiomas y a resolver mi problema.

Un agradecimiento especial a @greabock y @SerafimArts por su ayuda en la preparación del material y asistencia en el desarrollo del analizador.


  • Analizador DBML

  • Herramienta phplrt

  • Documentación phlrt

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