All and Whole: como distinguir todo, todo y todo en inglés

Continuamos con nuestra rĂșbrica de interesantes matices del inglĂ©s. En uno de los artĂ­culos anteriores, analizamos la diferencia entre do-make. Y hoy tenemos a la vista el siguiente par de palabras.

Hablemos de todo y todo. La dificultad es que sus sonidos y significados son similares. En algunos casos son intercambiables, pero la mayorĂ­a de las veces no lo son. Y no siempre es posible determinar lĂłgicamente cuĂĄl de ellos debe usarse en un caso particular. Vamos a averiguarlo. Ir.

El principal secreto de todos y todo

. «, , ». all whole , .

All the class was writing test. — .

The whole class was writing test. — .

, . — , . 

all whole . .


All -. , . 

, :

All , . whole — . 

— all, .

All the students — .

The whole students — .

all .


— all + + . .

All my collection of old books has been stolen. — .

I want you to clear up all this rubbish. — , .


  • the

  • this, that

  • my, his, her, our, their

  • : the man’s, my dad’s .

, . 


All the Story Is History — « — ». , , . «story» «», « ». «history» — «», « ».  

( ) : — , team, family. , .

All the team were worrying about the next game. — .

— . , all + .

All water is wet. — .

Not all sport is good for your health. — .

— , . , - .

All the beer you have in the fridge is outdated. — , , . 

All , . . , . 

them all all of them. them . Them all all of them .

Them all . «?» — « ».

, — «Fuck them all», . 

All of , . 

All of you are telling lies. — .

Which songs do you like best? / I like all of them. — ? .

them all all of them .

Which songs do you like best? / I like them all. — ? .

. , . 

all , . . . 

All you need is love. — , , — . 

All's Well That Ends Well — , .

. , , 1623 that ? 400 . , ,

— , all , . 

Help, there are horrible insects all over the place. — , .

It’s all your fault. — .

all «» «», . 


Whole «», «». entire, whole. 

: + whole + .

We'll have to repaint the whole room. — . 

You will tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. — , , .

. . of.

The whole of England is covered by snow. — .

. , . , , .

The whole United States are covered by snow. — .

? — the Netherlands , :

The whole of Netherlands is covered by snow. — .

, . , .

whole , , . , all — . 

, whole , - , all — (, ). 

, whole . :

. «» «». 

We only sell whole computers, not the separate components. — , .

. «». .

Two halves make a whole. — .

I thought he'd eat some of the cake, but not the whole of it! — , , !


The whole of the Moon — Full Moon —  .  

, . , , . , — . , .

? - .

- —

! 3 !

- ED Words . june_2021 ED Words. 01.07.2021.


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