Compendio de DataScience - 10.06.21

¡Saludos a todos!

Durante mucho tiempo no he publicado los últimos números de Data Science Digest , pero ahora es el momento de revivirlo. El resumen se publicará semanalmente los jueves. 

Conozca la última versión del resumen de materiales útiles del mundo de la ciencia de datos y el aprendizaje automático y no olvide suscribirse a nuestro canal de Telegram .


Fraud Detection: Using Relational Graph Learning to Detect Collusion — Uber Engineering , (RGCN) .

Airflow and Ray: A Data Science Story — Ray Apache Airflow, Airflow DAG ML .

PyCaret 101 — For Beginners — PyCaret, ML .

High-Performance Speech Recognition with No Supervision at All Facebook AI wav2vec Unsupervised (wav2vec-U), . 

Introducing Orbit, An Open Source Package for Time Series Inference and Forecasting — Orbit (Object-ORiented BayesIan Time Series), , Uber Engineering.

Lessons on ML Platforms — From Netflix, DoorDash, Spotify, and More — , ML . , .

Easy MLOps with PyCaret + MLflow — PyCaret  MLflow MLOps ML .

R vs Python: The Data Science Language Debate — , Data Science. .

Data Scientist vs Machine Learning Engineer Skills. Here’s the Difference — ML ? , .

AutoNLP: Automatic Text Classification with SOTA Models — AutoML, NLP .

Animating Pictures with Eulerian Motion Fields — . 

DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort — DatasetGAN — . .

Long Text Generation by Modeling Sentence-Level and Discourse-Level Coherence — . , , .

CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformers — CogView — 4 VQ-VAE, , , GAN .

GAN Prior Embedded Network for Blind Face Restoration in the Wild — , “ ” , .

Image Cropping on Twitter: Fairness Metrics, their Limitations, and the Importance of Representation, Design, and Agency Twitter. , .

Full Stack Deep Learning - UC Berkeley - 2021 — . 22 .

Know Your Data 70+ TensorFlow .

Albumentations — CV , . , , .

, . , - . .

Telegram- : Medium, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, substack.

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