Sim-sim open: cómo le enseñé a mi puerta de entrada a reconocerme de vista

La jornada de trabajo a distancia del viernes ya estaba llegando a su fin cuando llamaron a la puerta para anunciar la instalación de un nuevo intercomunicador. Al enterarme de que el nuevo intercomunicador tiene una aplicación móvil que te permite contestar llamadas sin estar en casa, me interesé y de inmediato la descargué a mi teléfono. Después de iniciar sesión, descubrí una característica interesante de esta aplicación: incluso sin una llamada activa a mi apartamento, podía mirar por la cámara del intercomunicador y abrir la puerta en cualquier momento. "¡Sí, esto es ARI en línea en la puerta de entrada!" - hizo clic en mi cabeza. El destino del próximo fin de semana estaba sellado.

Video de demostración al final del artículo.

Tomada de la película "El quinto elemento"
Tomada de la película "El quinto elemento"

Descargo de responsabilidad

. , - — .


, , . - — , . lkit — , http(s) Android .

— Android- Certificate authority , . , Android 7 .

root , Android, Android Studio. ADB , Certificate pinning .

Conexión exitosa a HTTP Toolkit
HTTP Toolkit

, — , .

Solicitud de apertura de puerta


  1. : POST /rest/v1/places/{place_id}/accesscontrols/{control_id}/actions

    JSON- {"name": "accessControlOpen"}

  2. () : GET /rest/v1/places/{place_id}/accesscontrols/{control_id}/videosnapshots

  3. : GET /rest/v1/forpost/cameras/{camera_id}/video?LightStream=0

HTTP Authorization — , . Advanced REST Client, , Authorization API , , .

Python requests

, :

HEADERS = {"Authorization": "Bearer ###"}

def get_image():
    result = requests.get(f'{ACTION_URL}/videosnapshots', headers=HEADERS)
    if result.status_code != 200:
        logging.error(f"Failed to get an image with status code {result.status_code}")
        return None
    logging.warning(f"Image received successfully in {result.elapsed.total_seconds()}sec")
    return result.content

def open_door():
    result =
        f'{ACTION_URL}/actions', headers=HEADERS, json={"name": "accessControlOpen"})
    if result.status_code != 200:
        logging.error(f"Failed to open the door with status code {result.status_code}")
        return False
    logging.warning(f"Door opened successfully in {result.elapsed.total_seconds()}sec")
    return True

def get_videostream_link():
    result = requests.get(VIDEO_URL, headers=HEADERS)
    if result.status_code != 200:
        logging.error(f"Failed to get stream link with status code {result.status_code}")
        return False
    logging.warning(f"Stream link received successfully in {result.elapsed.total_seconds()}sec")
    return result.json()['data']['URL']


, — Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650L v3 @ 1.80GHz

, 1GB 0 GPU. , , .

, . OpenVINO Toolkit — Intel, CPU.

Interactive Face Recognition Demo — , . , - 2020.3, pip 2021.1. OpenVINO .

, . ( ), , , :

class ImageProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.frame_processor = FrameProcessor()

    def process(self, image):
        detections = self.frame_processor.process(image)
        labels = []
        for roi, landmarks, identity in zip(*detections):
            label = self.frame_processor.face_identifier.get_identity_label(
        return labels

. , get_image()


100 runs on an image with known face:
Total time: 7.356s
Time per frame: 0.007s
FPS: 135.944

100 runs on an image without faces:
Total time: 2.985s
Time per frame: 0.003s
FPS: 334.962

, .

1 FPS:

, , . , MVP get_image()


class ImageProcessor:
		# <...>
    def process_single_image(self, image):
        nparr = np.fromstring(image, np.uint8)
        img_np = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        labels = self.process(img_np)
        return labels

def snapshot_based_intercom_id():
    processor = ImageProcessor()

    last_open_door_time = time.time()
    while True:
        start_time = time.time()
        image = get_image()
        result = processor.process_single_image(image)'{result} in {time.time() - start_time}s')
        # Successfull detections are "face{N}"
        if any(['face' in res for res in result]):
            if start_time - last_open_door_time > 5:
                with open(f'images/{start_time}_OK.jfif', 'wb') as f:
                last_open_door_time = start_time

, , . , .. .

Momento de reconocimiento exitoso, versión con procesamiento de imágenes individuales

! , . , — , .. API . , 0.7 0.6 , .

30 FPS:


vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(link)
success, frame =

, 30 FPS. : read()

. , , , . , , 30 — , .

: vcap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 0);

. , OpenCV 3.4, - , . , StackOverflow — , ( , ).


3 :

class CameraBufferCleanerThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, camera, name='camera-buffer-cleaner-thread'): = camera
        self.last_frame = None
        self.finished = False
        super(CameraBufferCleanerThread, self).__init__(name=name)

    def run(self):
        while not self.finished:
            ret, self.last_frame =

    def __enter__(self): return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self.finished = True

class ImageProcessor:
		# <...>
    def process_stream(self, link):
        vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(link)
        interval = 0.3 # ~3 FPS
        with CameraBufferCleanerThread(vcap) as cam_cleaner:
            while True:
                frame = cam_cleaner.last_frame
                if frame is not None:
                    yield (self.process(frame), frame)
                    yield (None, None)



def stream_based_intercom_id():
    processor = ImageProcessor()

    link = get_videostream_link()
    # To notify about delays
    last_time = time.time()
    last_open_door_time = time.time()
    for result, np_image in processor.process_stream(link):
        current_time = time.time()
        delta_time = current_time - last_time
        if delta_time < 1:
  '{result} in {delta_time}')
            logging.warning(f'{result} in {delta_time}')
        last_time = current_time
        if result is None:
        if any(['face' in res for res in result]):
            if current_time - last_open_door_time > 5:
                  	f'Hey, I know you - {result[0]}! Opening the door...')
                last_open_door_time = current_time
                cv2.imwrite(f'images/{current_time}_OK.jpg', np_image)

— , .

Momento de reconocimiento exitoso, versión con procesamiento de transmisión de video


/. .


, callback / .

class TelegramInterface:
    def __init__(self, login_whitelist, state_callback):
        self.state_callback = state_callback
        self.login_whitelist = login_whitelist
        self.updater = Updater(
            token = "###", use_context = True)

    def run(self):
        dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher
        dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", self.start))
        dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("run", self.run_intercom))
        dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("stop", self.stop_intercom))


    def run_intercom(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
        user = update.message.from_user
            self.state_callback(True) if user.username in self.login_whitelist else 'not allowed',

    def stop_intercom(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
        user = update.message.from_user
            self.state_callback(False) if user.username in self.login_whitelist else 'not allowed',

    def start(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
class TelegramBotThreadWrapper(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, state_callback, name='telegram-bot-wrapper'):
        self.whitelist = ["###", "###"]
        self.state_callback = state_callback
        super(TelegramBotThreadWrapper, self).__init__(name=name)

    def run(self): = TelegramInterface(self.whitelist, self.state_callback)



, :

def stream_based_intercom_id_with_telegram():
    processor = ImageProcessor()

    loop_state_lock = threading.Lock()

    loop_should_run = False
    loop_should_change_state_cv = threading.Condition(loop_state_lock)

    is_loop_finished = True
    loop_changed_state_cv = threading.Condition(loop_state_lock)

    def stream_processing_loop():
        nonlocal loop_should_run
        nonlocal loop_should_change_state_cv
        nonlocal is_loop_finished
        nonlocal loop_changed_state_cv

        while True:
            with loop_should_change_state_cv:
                loop_should_change_state_cv.wait_for(lambda: loop_should_run)
                is_loop_finished = False
                logging.warning(f'Loop is started')
            link = get_videostream_link()
            last_time = time.time()
            last_open_door_time = time.time()
            for result, np_image in processor.process_stream(link):
                with loop_should_change_state_cv:
                    if not loop_should_run:
                        is_loop_finished = True
                        logging.warning(f'Loop is stopped')
                current_time = time.time()
                delta_time = current_time - last_time
                if delta_time < 1:
          '{result} in {delta_time}')
                    logging.warning(f'{result} in {delta_time}')
                last_time = current_time
                if result is None:
                if any(['face' in res for res in result]):
                    if current_time - last_open_door_time > 5:
                        logging.warning(f'Hey, I know you - {result[0]}! Opening the door...')
                        last_open_door_time = current_time
                        cv2.imwrite(f'images/{current_time}_OK.jpg', np_image)

    def state_callback(is_running):
        nonlocal loop_should_run
        nonlocal loop_should_change_state_cv
        nonlocal is_loop_finished
        nonlocal loop_changed_state_cv

        with loop_should_change_state_cv:
            if is_running == loop_should_run:
                return "Intercom service state is not changed"
            loop_should_run = is_running
            if loop_should_run:
                loop_changed_state_cv.wait_for(lambda: not is_loop_finished)
                return "Intercom service is up"
                loop_changed_state_cv.wait_for(lambda: is_loop_finished)
                return "Intercom service is down"

    telegram_bot = TelegramBotThreadWrapper(state_callback)
    logging.warning("Bot is ready")


A pesar de las posibilidades que brinda la tecnología de intercomunicación inteligente a los residentes, cientos (¿miles?) De puertas de entrada con cámaras y micrófonos (¡sí, hay audio en la transmisión de video recibida al azar!), Lo que abre nuevas oportunidades para violaciones de privacidad.

Preferiría que el acceso a la transmisión de video se proporcionara solo en el momento de una llamada al apartamento y la grabación en curso de tres días, posicionada como un medio para revelar violaciones, no se almacenara en los servidores de la compañía, sino directamente en el intercomunicador. , con la posibilidad de acceder a él a pedido. O no del todo.

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