Prueba la automatización en Python. Seis formas de realizar pruebas de forma eficaz

Ya hemos hablado sobre la automatización de pruebas , ahora es el momento de conocer las seis mejores herramientas de automatización de pruebas en Python.

– Python . . Python , , .

Python, . 

, .

PyUnit Nose2

PyUnit – - Python. Python 2.1, . PyUnit – JUnit Python, - Java. , Java Python . Smalltalk .

PyUnit .

  • , , .

  • .

  • .

  • .


import unittest
    class SimpleWidgetTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.widget = Widget("The widget")
    class DefaultWidgetSizeTestCase(SimpleWidgetTestCase):
        def runTest(self):
            assert self.widget.size() == (50,50), 'incorrect default size'



, Widget

. DefaultWidgetSizeTestCase

– - SimpleWidgetTestCase

, Widget


PyUnit – Python, . . Nose.  

Nose2 – PyUnit. . Nose2 , . , AllModules

Nose2 Such – DSL .

, - Nose2 . , – tests_



PyTest ( – Python, PyUnit. JUnit, Python. Python.

PyTest ( Nose), .

Pytest , , .

def widget():
    return Widget("The widget")
def test_widget_size(widget):
    assert widget.size() == (50,50), 'incorrect default size'

PyTest Widget .

, -, PyTest . , , , . PyTest . , PyUnit.

PyTest , XML HTML. PyTest.

, PyTest , -, PyUnit Nose2. PyTest , . PyTest Python 3.6 .


PyUnit PyTest – -, , behavior-driven ?

Behave – behavior-driven (BDD) . PyUnit PyTest. Gherkin Python. , Gherkin Cucumber, Behave Gherkin, BDD- Python.

Behave , Jetbrains PyCharm Professional Edition. - Behave.

, . , . Behave , .

behavior-driven (BDD), Behave – . Django, Flask, full-stack . 

Behave, . 


Feature: widget size
  Scenario: verify a widget's size
     Given we have a widget
     When the widget is valid
     Then the size is correct

Python. Given, When Then .

from behave import *

@given('we have a widget')
def step_given_a_widget(context):
    context.widget = Widget('The widget')   

@when('the widget is valid')
def step_widget_is_valid(context)
    assert context.widget is not None

@then('the size is correct')
def step_impl(context):
    assert context.widget.size() == (50,50)


Lettuce – behavior-driven Selenium Python. Behave, Gherkin , , Behave. Lettuce , Behave, .

, Selenium Nose

Lettuce - Behave. :

Feature: widget size 

Scenario: verify a widget's size 
    Given we have a widget 
    When the widget is valid 
    Then the size is correct

. , Lettuce step.

from lettuce import step
from lettuce import world 

@step('we have a widget') 
def step_given_a_widget(step):
    world.widget = Widget('The widget') 

@step('the widget is valid')
def step_widget_is_valid(step) 
    assert world.widget is not None 

@step('the size is corrrect') 
def step_impl(context): 
    assert world.widget.size() == (50,50)

Lettuce Selenium, Django. , Jasmine  JavaScript, .

Lettuce 2016 . , .

Jasmine Python

BDD – Python, -. Jasmine – - BDD. Jasmine, JavaScript, Python.

Jasmine-Py Jasmine Django. Jasmine Python CI/CD.

- , DOM, . , Django . Gherkin Jasmine

-, Django.


Robot – . . DSL Robot, , .

, , Jasmine, Robot .

– , . Robot, , . .

Robot , Python Java. , Python, Robot Python. Robot.

DSL . . , .


Python . TIOBE. , Python .

Python , . , REST- , .

? Testim , . Python .

"Python QA Engineer". : , . .

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