Revisión de Hydra 2021: una introducción al hardcore

Quedan menos de tres semanas antes de la conferencia sobre sistemas distribuidos Hydra , el programa ya está listo y es hora de contarle a Habr al respecto. Debajo del corte: descripciones de todos los informes, pero primero, digamos el general:

  • IT- : , , .
  • , , . , .
  • distributed, concurrency, . , .
  • , .
  • , «» . , . , , « »!

«Lincheck: Testing concurrency on the JVM»,

Lincheck , . , , , : ( (linearizability)) (, «single consumer» ).

. , , Lincheck. Kotlin, , Lincheck JVM- (, Java Scala).

«TLA+ in action», Markus Kuppe

— , TLA+. EWD998 ( , (Shmuel Safra) ), .

TLA+, TLA+. , TLA+ . EWD998, (safety) (liveness) . «Weeks of Debugging Can Save You Hours of TLA+», .

«Java Concurrency Stress (JCStress)»,

Java- : Java-. Hydra.

JCStress — OpenJDK, , JVM, . , , , , Hotspot- , , .


«Data parallelism from a multicore perspective», Maurice Herlihy

, map-reduce . Java, , .

, Hydra. , - concurrency .

«Designing fast lock-free algorithms by understanding cache coherence dynamics», Adam Morrison


  • MESI;
  • , lock-free , ;
  • , (- );
  • , CAS lock-free .

FIFO-: , , lock-free ( ), , , LCRQ, fetch-and-add.

«Co-designing Raft + thread-per-core execution model for the Kafka-API», Alex Gallego

— Vectorized, Redpanda: Apache Kafka, Raft .

? , . Redpanda , 10 . NVMe- 1000 HDD. 30 . .

, .


«Distributed systems showdown — TLA+ vs real code», Jack Vanlightly

— , . , , , , ?

Jepsen . , , .

TLA+ , . . , TLA+ .

TLA+ Java Jepsen/Maelstorm, .

«Algorithms for practical distributed agreement», Naama Ben-David

. , . , , .

, , , , , .

«Theoretical and practical worlds of failure detectors», Lena Hall

. .

(failure detectors): , . Microsoft .

, , - .

«Simplifying global-scale strong consistency», Andras Gerlits.

. , , - . , , . , . , — .

, , . , ( ), . , , , , — . , .

event sourcing, . , , .

«What we talk about when we talk about distributed systems», Alvaro Videla

— . , , : . , - , .

, , , , . : ; ; ; .

, , , , . — , .

«CAP Theorem — two decades and few clouds later», Mike Kowalski

«, , — » — , . CP, CA AP , « CAP». 2021-?

CAP , . Cassandra, Kafka AWS S3, CAP-. - — .

«Fearless global transactions with CockroachDB», Nathan VanBenschoten

, . , . , . , .

CockroachDB: , NewSQL- , . CockroachDB, shared-nothing Spanner Google. CockroachDB, . , , CockroachDB , ( , ).

«The official ten-year retrospective of NewSQL databases», Andy Pavlo

2011- «NewSQL» (OLTP). NoSQL-. : NewSQL DBMS , , NoSQL NewSQL.

NewSQL . , NewSQL, , , . , «NewSQL» . , NewSQL . , OLTP .

«Serverless nature of Yandex Database»,

- « serverless » — . NewSQL Yandex Database ( Hydra ): , , .

Yandex Database Serverless. , , Yandex Database, ? , , serverless.

«The Hitchhiker's Guide to Distributed Transactions», Irfan Sharif

, , , , . . - — .

, (Carousel, MDCC, SLOG, TAPIR), (Spanner, CockroadDB, OceanVista). , - , : round-trip -.

«Building scalable and flexible cluster managers using declarative programming», Lalith Suresh

: , , . ad-hoc , .

Declarative Cluster Managers (DCM) — , . DCM SQL, . Kubernetes , DCM .

, .

, — : , . , Zoom « », . — , , (, -).

, , : , «» .

, — .

Hydra 15-18 !

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