HK32F030C8T6 全 功能 克隆 (clon funcional completo) STM32F030C8T6

Primero, un juego previo ligero ...

Durante los últimos 4-5 meses, STMicroelectronics ha obligado a los pequeños y medianos fabricantes de microelectrónica a "apretarse el cinturón". No es ningún secreto que durante este tiempo, los chips originales se han disparado de precio, y en los últimos meses, los chips no han estado disponibles en absoluto ... Por lo tanto, debido a la escasez, se acercaron a sus contrapartes chinas.

Por ejemplo, HK32F030C8T6, según el fabricante (Shenzhen Hangshun Chip Technology R&D Co., Ltd.), es una copia completa de su hermano mayor STM32F030C8T6. Así que veamos ...

Abrir la documentación técnica ...

Basado en la descripción: "HK32F030x4 / HK32F030x6 / HK32F030x8. HK32F030 Los chips enumerados son desarrollados por Shenzhen Haohan Tianji Processor Co., Ltd., una subsidiaria de Shenzhen Hangshun Chip Technology Research Co., Ltd.".

Y luego, para ser honesto, ¡estaba encantado! En primer lugar, los chips pueden funcionar en el rango de voltaje de suministro de 2,0 V a 5,5 V. En segundo lugar: ¡la frecuencia máxima de reloj del núcleo es de hasta 72 MHz! Cuento de hadas recto y único !!! Ver por ti mismo !!!:

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Oh si. "Hoja de datos" en chino ...

... sigue leyendo !!!

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... ...

... RCC_CFGR4, STM' ! "stm32f0xx.h":

typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< RCC clock control register,                                  Address offset: 0x00 */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR;       /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                            Address offset: 0x04 */
  __IO uint32_t CIR;        /*!< RCC clock interrupt register,                                Address offset: 0x08 */
  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;   /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                          Address offset: 0x0C */
  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;   /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;     /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock register,                           Address offset: 0x14 */
  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;    /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;    /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
  __IO uint32_t BDCR;       /*!< RCC Backup domain control register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */ 
  __IO uint32_t CSR;        /*!< RCC clock control & status register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;    /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;      /*!< RCC clock configuration register 2,                          Address offset: 0x2C */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;      /*!< RCC clock configuration register 3,                          Address offset: 0x30 */
  __IO uint32_t CR2;        /*!< RCC clock control register 2,                                Address offset: 0x34 */
} RCC_TypeDef;

, CFGR4 , :

... , STM32F030, CFGR4...

HK32F0_LibraryV1.0.3... :

typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,                                   Address offset: 0x00 */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR;       /*!< RCC clock configuration register,                            Address offset: 0x04 */
  __IO uint32_t CIR;        /*!< RCC clock interrupt register,                                Address offset: 0x08 */
  __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;   /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral reset register,                          Address offset: 0x0C */
  __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR;   /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral reset register,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
  __IO uint32_t AHBENR;     /*!< RCC AHB peripheral clock register,                           Address offset: 0x14 */
  __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;    /*!< RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable register,                   Address offset: 0x18 */
  __IO uint32_t APB1ENR;    /*!< RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
  __IO uint32_t BDCR;       /*!< RCC Backup domain control register,                          Address offset: 0x20 */
  __IO uint32_t CSR;        /*!< RCC clock control & status register,                         Address offset: 0x24 */
  __IO uint32_t AHBRSTR;    /*!< RCC AHB peripheral reset register,                           Address offset: 0x28 */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR2;      /*!< RCC clock configuration register 2,                          Address offset: 0x2C */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR3;      /*!< RCC clock configuration register 3,                          Address offset: 0x30 */
  __IO uint32_t CR2;        /*!< RCC clock control register 2,                                Address offset: 0x34 */
   uint32_t RESERVED[42];      /*!< Reserved,                                                    Address offset: 0x38-dc */
  __IO uint32_t HSECTL;      /*!< RCC clock HSE control,                                      Address offset: 0xe0 */
    uint32_t RESERVED1;      /*!< Reserved,                                                    Address offset: 0xe4 */
  __IO uint32_t CFGR4;        /*!< RCC clock control register 4,                              Address offset: 0xe8 */ 
  __IO uint32_t AHBENR2;      /*!< RCC clock configuration ahb,                               Address offset: 0xec */
} RCC_TypeDef;

... (uint32_t RESERVED[42]; /*!< Reserved) ?

, ! !!! (... USB STM32F0xx...) , :

, STM32F030, :

, STM HK USB ... ... USB ARM, : "NOP

 performs no operation and is not guaranteed to be time consuming. The processor might remove it from the pipeline before it reaches the execution stage. " NOP "" ... , ?


HK "" . .


System Tick Timer! , , Watchdog ( - ). , . - :


        PUSH     {R4-R7,LR}			;10
        LDR      R3,DataTable+0x08 	;6
        LDR      R2,DataTable+0x14 	;6
        STR      R2,[R3, #+0x18]	;5
        LDR      R4,[R3, #+0]		;5
        MOVS     R5,#+5				;4
        LSLS     R5,R5,#+22			;4
        ORRS     R5,R5,R4			;4
        STR      R5,[R3, #+0]		;5
        MOVS     R7,#+0				;4
        ADDS     R1,R1,#+1			;4
        LDRB     R5,[R0,#+0]		;5
        NOP							;4
        NOP							;4
        SUBS     R1,R1,#+1			;4
        BEQ      ut_2				;4
        MOVS     R6,#+8				;4
        LDRB     R4,[R0,#+0]		;5
        ADDS     R0,R0,#+1			;4

"" (HK32F030):

        PUSH     {R4-R7,LR}			;10
        LDR      R3,DataTable+0x08	;6
        LDR      R2,DataTable+0x14	;6
        STR      R2,[R3, #+0x18] 	;9 GPIOA->BSRR
        LDR      R4,[R3, #+0]		;8 GPIOA->MODER
        MOVS     R5,#+5				;4
        LSLS     R5,R5,#+22			;4
        ORRS     R5,R5,R4			;4
        STR      R5,[R3, #+0]		;6 GPIOA->MODER
        MOVS     R7,#+0				;4
        ADDS     R1,R1,#+1			;4
        LDRB     R5,[R0,#+0]		;9
        NOP							;4
        NOP							;4
        SUBS     R1,R1,#+1			;4
        BEQ      ut_2				;4->8
        MOVS     R6,#+8				;4
        LDRB     R4,[R0,#+0]		;9 Load transmited Byte
        ADDS     R0,R0,#+1			;6 Increment TX Buffer Pointer

... LDR/STR Immediate Value... , - - , , - ... , 72 MHz, .

6 9. , , , , "" " ". .


...HK STM...

  1. , , STM, , , GPIO. , .


  3. 72MHz "" / . "" "" . , STM' 48MHz, HK 72, " " 48MHz STM HK 72MHz, 72 != 48, , , .


! , .

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