Bueno vs. Bueno, o una guía sobre adjetivos y adverbios en inglés

Hoy hablaremos de un tema bastante escurridizo en la gramática inglesa. Parece simple. Malo es un adjetivo y mal es un adverbio. Pero, ¿cómo se dice correctamente: "Me siento mal" o "Me siento mal"? ¿"Me siento bien" o "Me siento bien"? Estos matices son muy confusos para los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés. Por eso, hoy hablamos de adjetivos y adverbios. Y también cómo evitar errores habituales al utilizarlos.

Todo sobre el adjetivo

, : «?», «?» « ?».

, .

Give me a shirt, please. — , .

, , . - , , .

Give me my new red shirt, please. — , .

. . , .


— — — — — — — — —

, , :

— Give me my marvelous new red chinese silk shirt, please. — , . 


, . 

new shirt —

pure water —

black hair —



  • appear

  • be

  • become

  • feel

  • look

  • seem

  • smell

  • sound

  • taste

! , . 

The salad tastes delicious. — . 

You look awesome. — .

The dog seems dangerous. — .

, .

« » , « ». «You look awesomely» — .

, , . 

«?», «?», «?» «?». -ly. 

  • Careful — carefully (-)

  • Dangerous — dangerously (-)

  • Nice — nicely (-)

, -ly . , friendly timely. 

, . , : , , .


  • Real Madrid has won the League of Champion cup. — .

  • Unfortunately, Real Madrid has won the League of Champion cup. — , .


, -ly, « », , «+ly». 


  • good — well

  • fast — fast

  • hard — hard

  • early — early

  • daily — daily

  • straight — straight

  • wrong — wrong

It's the fast way to get resources exploited. — .

We just needed some answers fast. — .

. -ly . :

cheap, clean, clear, close, dear, fine, loud, quick, quiet, slow, thin

Don’t speak loud!

Don’t speak loudly!

« ». . , «loudly», , — . — . 


, . -ly . 

— You are able to get it free. — .

— You are able to get it freely. — .

? free freely , -. 

— .

, .

deep =

deeply = ,

direct = ,

directly =

easy =

easily =

free =

freely = , ,

full =

fully =

hard = ,

hardly = -, ,

high =

highly =

last =

lastly = -

late =

lately =

near = ,

nearly =

pretty = ,

prettily = ,

short =

shortly =

wide =

widely =

wrong =

wrongly =

. Good Well —

Good , : smell, look, be, sound. 

This soup smells good. — .

Your offer sounds good. — .

— well. 

She cooks really well. — .

John plays football very well. — .

, ,   .

«I feel good» «I feel well».

, , . 

«I feel good» — «I feel happy». , . 

«I’m feeling good» Muse .

«I feel well», , . , « » « ». 

, — «look good» «look well». 

My granny looks good. — .

My granny looks well. — .

, , .

, , . . , .

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