Su propio Gutenberg. Haciendo libros paralelos

Libros paralelos lingtrain

Si te gusta aprender idiomas (o los enseñas), probablemente te hayas encontrado con una forma de aprender un idioma como la lectura paralela. Te ayuda a sumergirte en el contexto, aumenta el vocabulario y hace que el aprendizaje sea divertido. En mi opinión, vale la pena leer los textos en original en paralelo con los rusos, cuando ya se dominan los conceptos básicos de gramática y fonética, para que nadie haya cancelado los libros de texto y los profesores. Pero cuando se trata de leer, desea elegir algo de su agrado, o algo que ya sea familiar o querido, y esto a menudo es imposible, porque nadie ha publicado una versión así de un libro paralelo. Y si no está aprendiendo inglés, sino japonés o húngaro convencional, entonces es difícil encontrar material interesante con traducción paralela.

Hoy daremos un paso decisivo para rectificar esta situación.

. " " .

( , ):

by Harper Lee
for Mr. Lee and Alice
in consideration of Love & Affection
Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.
Charles Lamb
When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly
broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being
able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about
his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he
stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body,
his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn’t have cared less, so long as
he could pass and punt.



, ,  -  .



  ,      ,     .       ,      ,     .      ;     ,      .       -        .

, :

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  • , - .
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lingtrain-aligner, python, . , . .

, . . , 50- , — . , , . , , .

, :

  • .
  • .
  • razdel .
  • , .

, .


, . , . .

%%%%%h1. %%%%%h2. %%%%%h3. %%%%%h4. %%%%%h5.

: [.,:,!?] , .

  1. ( , , , ).
  2. .
  3. (H1 , H5 ). , .
  4. , , ( ).

, . , :

by Harper Lee%%%%%author.


PART ONE%%%%%h1.

When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly
broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being
able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about
his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he
stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body,
his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn’t have cared less, so long as
he could pass and punt.





  ,      ,
    .       ,
     ,     .   
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 .       -      


"" (" ", " " ..) h1, h2. .


Colab . , . . html .

, .


pip install lingtrain-aligner


from lingtrain_aligner import preprocessor, splitter, aligner, resolver, reader, vis_helper


text1_input = "harper_lee_ru.txt"
text2_input = "harper_lee_en.txt"

with open(text1_input, "r", encoding="utf8") as input1:
  text1 = input1.readlines()

with open(text2_input, "r", encoding="utf8") as input2:
  text2 = input2.readlines()

SQLite ( ) lang_from lang_to. , :

db_path = "db/book.db"

lang_from = "ru"
lang_to = "en"

models = ["sentence_transformer_multilingual", "sentence_transformer_multilingual_labse"]
model_name = models[0]



, , xx, . sentence_transformer_multilingual 50+ , sentence_transformer_multilingual_labse 100+ .


text1_prepared = preprocessor.mark_paragraphs(text1)
text2_prepared = preprocessor.mark_paragraphs(text2)


splitted_from = splitter.split_by_sentences_wrapper(text1_prepared , lang_from, leave_marks=True)
splitted_to = splitter.split_by_sentences_wrapper(text2_prepared , lang_to, leave_marks=True)

, . , , . UI, . , .

aligner.fill_db(db_path, splitted_from, splitted_to)

. batch_size, window, . , . . , , .

batch_ids = [0,1,2,3]

aligner.align_db(db_path, \
                model_name, \
                batch_size=100, \
                window=30, \
                batch_ids=batch_ids, \
                embed_batch_size=50, \
                normalize_embeddings=True, \

! , . vis_helper. 400, , batch_size=400. , , batch_size=50, 4 -.

vis_helper.visualize_alignment_by_db(db_path, output_path="alignment_vis.png", \
                                    lang_name_from=lang_from, \
                                    lang_name_to=lang_to, \
                                    batch_size=400, \
                                    size=(800,800), \

Alineación primaria

. , . :

  • .

    • , . , , , .
  • .

    • . " " , . , , . .

. , .

. , , — , , .

. .

. , , , . , 10,11,12 15,16,17 . . , . . resolver.


conflicts_to_solve, rest = resolver.get_all_conflicts(db_path, min_chain_length=2, max_conflicts_len=6)

conflicts to solve: 46
total conflicts: 47

conflicts_to_solve , , rest .



('2:3', 11)
('3:2', 10)
('3:3', 8)
('2:1', 5)
('4:3', 3)
('3:5', 2)
('6:4', 2)
('5:4', 1)
('5:3', 1)
('2:4', 1)
('5:6', 1)
('4:5', 1)
('8:7', 1)

, 2:3 3:2, , , .


resolver.show_conflict(db_path, conflicts_to_solve[10])

124      ,         .
125     , , —    .
126        .

122 The Radley Place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house.
123 Walking south, one faced its porch; the sidewalk turned and ran beside the lot.

, 125 126 , [124]-[122] [125,126]-[123]. ? , . , , , . :

  1. [124,125]-[122] // [126]-[123]
  2. [124]-[122] // [125,126]-[123]

, , — 2 ( ) 6. , . , , .


steps = 3
batch_id = -1 #   

for i in range(steps):
    conflicts, rest = resolver.get_all_conflicts(db_path, min_chain_length=2+i, max_conflicts_len=6*(i+1), batch_id=batch_id)

    resolver.resolve_all_conflicts(db_path, conflicts, model_name, show_logs=False)

    vis_helper.visualize_alignment_by_db(db_path, output_path="img_test1.png", batch_size=400, size=(800,800), plt_show=True)

    if len(rest) == 0:


La resolución de conflictos.  Paso 1


La resolución de conflictos.  Paso 2

book.db. .

, , . :

resolver.fix_start(db_path, model_name, max_conflicts_len=20)

resolver.fix_end(db_path, model_name, max_conflicts_len=20)


from lingtrain_aligner import reader

, , :

paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta = reader.get_paragraphs(db_path, direction="from")

direction ["from", "to"] . (, ) .


reader.create_book(paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta, output_path = f"lingtrain.html")


html . , pdf, .

. , . template.

reader.create_book(paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta, output_path = f"lingtrain.html", template="pastel_fill")

reader.create_book(paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta, output_path = f"lingtrain.html", template="pastel_start")

, , .

template="custom" styles. CSS , .

, :

my_style = [
    '{"background": "#fafad2"}',

reader.create_book(paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta, output_path = f"lingtrain.html", template="custom", styles=my_style)

span' :

my_style = [
    '{"background": "linear-gradient(90deg, #FDEB71 0px, #fff 150px)", "border-radius": "15px"}',
    '{"background": "linear-gradient(90deg, #ABDCFF 0px, #fff 150px)", "border-radius": "15px"}',
    '{"background": "linear-gradient(90deg, #FEB692 0px, #fff 150px)", "border-radius": "15px"}',
    '{"background": "linear-gradient(90deg, #CE9FFC 0px, #fff 150px)", "border-radius": "15px"}',
    '{"background": "linear-gradient(90deg, #81FBB8 0px, #fff 150px)", "border-radius": "15px"}'

reader.create_book(paragraphs_from, paragraphs_to, meta, output_path = f"lingtrain.html", template="custom", styles=my_style)

. , , ( ), . .


[1] lingtrain-aligner github.

[2] Google Colab.

[3] Sentence Transformers .

[4] Making Monolingual Sentence Embeddings Multilingual using Knowledge Distillation

[5] Codificador de oraciones BERT agnóstico del lenguaje .

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