Haciendo Angular más fácil con @ taiga-ui / cdk: Nuestras 5 mejores prácticas

CDK es el paquete base de la biblioteca de componentes de Taiga UI. No tiene ninguna conexión con el componente visual de la biblioteca, sino que sirve como un conjunto de herramientas útiles para simplificar la creación de aplicaciones angulares.

. , Angular , .

: « , ?»

bundlephobia :

23 — , . Secondary Entry Point, tree shakable. , . — , 1 .

tuiPure —

, . .

tuiPure . . 

1. ,

// template
<div *ngIf="show">fibonacci(40) = {{ fibonacci40 }}</div>

// component
get fibonacci40(): number {
  return calculateFibonacci(40);

, . .

2. pull to refresh, iOS Android. , iOS — . getter pure, Observable iOS.

   *ngIf="isIOS; else angroidLoader"

<ng-template #angroidLoader>
       [style.transform]="loaderTransform$ | async"

get loaderTransform$(): Observable<string> {
    return this.pulling$.pipe(
        map(distance => translateY(Math.min(distance, ANDROID_MAX_DISTANCE))),

changes ContentChild / ContentChildren: , , content . ViewChild / ViewChildren.

@tuiPure. : . . — .

, — .

get filteredItems(): readonly string[] {
   return this.computeFilteredItems(this.items);

private computeFilteredItems(items: readonly string[]): readonly string[] {
   return items.filter(someCondition);

, items, , this.items

. , - . , , ngOnChanges, this.items

— .




<ng-container *tuiLet="timer$ | async as time">
   <p>Timer value: {{time}}</p>
       It can be used many times:
       <tui-badge [value]="time"></tui-badge>
       It subsribed once and async pipe unsubsribes it after component destroy



falsy- ( ). , , , 0, , . *tuiLet



tuiMapper tuiFilter

, , — tuiMapper.

. pure-, . :

{{value | tuiMapper : mapper : arg1 : arg2 }}


/ *tuiLet


    *ngIf="item | tuiMapper : toMarkers : itemIsToday(item) : !!getItemRange(item) as markers"
    <div class="dot" [tuiBackground]="markers[0]"></div>
        *ngIf="markers.length > 1"

- @taiga-ui/core

, . , . , , .

tuiFilter . , . , - .

mapper / filter


Observable-based , .

   // ...
   providers: [TuiDestroyService],
export class TuiDestroyExample {
     private readonly destroy$: Observable<void>
   ) {}

   // …
   subscribeSomething() {
       fromEvent(this.element, 'click')
           .subscribe(() => {


— providers . DI, . Observable<void>. :

constructor(private destroy$: TuiDestroyService) {}

, , DI Injector’. , DI . , TuiDestroyService — , markForCheck DI . 


ng-event-plugins, cdk ( , ). Angular. , .

, .stop


stopPropagation preventDefault .


<some-input (mousedown)="handle($event)">
    Choose date

export class SomeComponent {
   // …
   handle(event: MouseEvent) {



<some-input (mousedown.prevent.stop)="onMouseDown()">
    Choose date



<div (mousemove.silent)="onMouseMove()">
    Callbacks to mousemove will not trigger change detection

capture- .capture


<div (click.capture.stop)="onClick()">
    <div (click)="never()">Clicks will be stopped before reaching this DIV</div>

@HostListener’, . ng-event-plugins.

@taiga-ui/cdk. , - !

, Taiga UI, .

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