Cree una API GraphQL con Guice y Spark

GraphQL es un lenguaje de consulta moderno para recuperar datos de un servidor. Existe una gran cantidad de documentación sobre la creación de API para un montón de plataformas, pero desafortunadamente la documentación oficial de Java contiene solo un ejemplo, que implica la creación de una aplicación basada en Spring Framework . El ejemplo oculta algunos detalles de implementación, lo que obliga al usuario a leer la fuente. En este artículo, arreglaremos esto y crearemos un análogo en la combinación de Google Guice y Spark . Antes de continuar, le recomiendo que se familiarice con el tutorial original , porque No profundizaré en la arquitectura de la biblioteca y la descripción de las entidades Java GraphQL

1. Creando una aplicación Guice

Gradle. , gradle init


Select type of project to generate: application
Select implementation language: Java
Select build script DSL: Kotlin
Select test framework: JUnit Jupiter
Project name: guice-spark-graphql
Source package: guice.spark.graphql

Java src/main/java/guice/spark/graphql/


dependencies {
    // This dependency is used by the application.
    implementation("") //NEW

    implementation("com.sparkjava:spark-core:2.9.3") //NEW
    implementation("com.sparkjava:spark-template-velocity:2.7.1") ////NEW spark template engine
    implementation("org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.21") //NEW fix Spark SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
    implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.3") //NEW

    implementation("com.graphql-java:graphql-java:16.2") //NEW

    // Use JUnit Jupiter API for testing.

    // Use JUnit Jupiter Engine for testing.


Guice, GraphQL Spark Slf4j, Jackson Velocity Template. Guava , -

2. GraphQL

GraphQL , API. schema.graphqls


type Query {
  bookById(id: ID): Book 

type Book {
  id: ID
  name: String
  pageCount: Int
  author: Author

type Author {
  id: ID
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

3. Guice

Guice DI src/main/java/guice/spark/graphql/

public class App {
    private GraphQLService service;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        App app = new App();

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new GraphQLModule());



Guice Injector, GraphQLModule . injector.injectMembers(app)

service GraphQLService

, ,

4. GraphQLModule

Guice . src/main/java/guice/spark/graphql/

public class GraphQLModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {



  • GraphQLService

    Spark c Spark, GraphQL

  • GraphQL

  • ObjectMapper


5. GraphQlProvider

, GraphQL

, Provider

Guice, . GraphQlProvider

public class GraphQlProvider implements Provider<GraphQL> {

    private GraphQLDataFetchers graphQLDataFetchers;

    public GraphQlProvider(GraphQLDataFetchers graphQLDataFetchers) {
        this.graphQLDataFetchers = graphQLDataFetchers;

    public GraphQL get() {
        URL url = Resources.getResource("schema.graphqls");
        String sdl = null;
        try {
            sdl = Resources.toString(url, Charsets.UTF_8);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = buildSchema(sdl);
        return GraphQL.newGraphQL(graphQLSchema).build(); 

    private GraphQLSchema buildSchema(String sdl) {
        TypeDefinitionRegistry typeRegistry = new SchemaParser().parse(sdl);
        RuntimeWiring runtimeWiring = buildWiring();
        SchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator();
        return schemaGenerator.makeExecutableSchema(typeRegistry, runtimeWiring);

    private RuntimeWiring buildWiring() {
        return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()
                        .dataFetcher("bookById", graphQLDataFetchers.getBookByIdDataFetcher()))
                        .dataFetcher("author", graphQLDataFetchers.getAuthorDataFetcher()))


get() , GraphQL . ,

6. GraphQLDataFetchers


GraphQL Java. DataFetcher - .


public class GraphQLDataFetchers {
    private static List<Map<String, String>> books = Arrays.asList(
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "book-1",
                    "name", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
                    "pageCount", "223",
                    "authorId", "author-1"),
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "book-2",
                    "name", "Moby Dick",
                    "pageCount", "635",
                    "authorId", "author-2"),
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "book-3",
                    "name", "Interview with the vampire",
                    "pageCount", "371",
                    "authorId", "author-3")

    private static List<Map<String, String>> authors = Arrays.asList(
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "author-1",
                    "firstName", "Joanne",
                    "lastName", "Rowling"),
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "author-2",
                    "firstName", "Herman",
                    "lastName", "Melville"),
            ImmutableMap.of("id", "author-3",
                    "firstName", "Anne",
                    "lastName", "Rice")

    public DataFetcher getBookByIdDataFetcher() {
        return dataFetchingEnvironment -> {
            String bookId = dataFetchingEnvironment.getArgument("id");
            return books
                    .filter(book -> book.get("id").equals(bookId))

    public DataFetcher getAuthorDataFetcher() {
        return dataFetchingEnvironment -> {
            Map<String, String> book = dataFetchingEnvironment.getSource();
            String authorId = book.get("authorId");
            return authors
                    .filter(author -> author.get("id").equals(authorId))


Guice - . configure


, -

7. GraphQLService

API web . GraphQLService


public class GraphQLService {
    private final GraphQL graphQL;
    private final ObjectMapper mapper;

    public GraphQLService(GraphQL graphQL, ObjectMapper mapper) {
        this.graphQL = graphQL;
        this.mapper = mapper;

    public void initialize() {
        post("/graphql", (request, response) -> {
            GraphQLRequestBody body = mapper.readValue(request.body(), GraphQLRequestBody.class);

            String query = body.getQuery();
            if (query == null) {
                query = "";

            ExecutionResult executionResult = graphQL.execute(

            return mapper.writeValueAsString(executionResult.toSpecification());
        get("/playground", (req, res) -> new VelocityTemplateEngine().render(
                new ModelAndView(Collections.emptyMap(), "playground.html"))



Jetty web server 4567. :

POST http://localhost:4567/graphql ObjectMapper


GraphQL . JSON .


public class GraphQLRequestBody {
    private String query;
    private String operationName;
    private Map<String, Object> variables;

    public String getQuery() {
        return query;

    public void setQuery(String query) {
        this.query = query;

    public String getOperationName() {
        return operationName;

    public void setOperationName(String operationName) {
        this.operationName = operationName;

    public Map<String, Object> getVariables() {
        return variables;

    public void setVariables(Map<String, Object> variables) {
        this.variables = variables;

GET http://localhost:4567/playground playground.html , src/main/resources

. API .

. http://localhost:4567/playground


. :

query {
  bookById(id: "book-1") {
    author {



  "data": {
    "bookById": {
      "name": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
      "author": {
        "firstName": "Joanne"

Código fuente completo e información adicional

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