R y trabajar con el tiempo. ¿Qué hay detrás de escena?

Las fechas y los horarios no son objetos fáciles:

  • los meses contienen un número diferente de días;
  • los años son bisiestos y no;
  • hay diferentes zonas horarias;
  • las horas, los minutos y los días utilizan diferentes sistemas numéricos;
  • y muchos otros matices.

El siguiente es un resumen de algunos puntos que rara vez se destacan en la documentación, así como trucos que le permiten escribir código rápido y controlado.

Un resumen muy breve para lectores de teléfonos inteligentes: en grandes cantidades de datos, usamos solo una POSIXct

fracción de segundo. Será bueno, por supuesto, rápido.

Es una continuación de una serie de publicaciones anteriores .

Estándares para especificar fechas y horas

ISO 8601 Elementos de datos y formatos de intercambio - Intercambio de información - La representación de fechas y horas es un estándar internacional que cubre el intercambio de datos relacionados con la fecha y la hora.

Métodos básicos de R para trabajar con el tiempo



x <- as.Date("2019-01-29") #  UTC

dput(as.Date("1970-01-01")) # ! origin

Salida de consola
## [1] "2021-04-29"
## [1] "-----"
## [1] "2019-01-29"
## [1] "UTC"
##  Date[1:1], format: "2019-01-29"
## structure(17925, class = "Date")
## [1] "-----"
## structure(0, class = "Date")

El formato de fecha no estándar durante la inicialización debe especificarse especialmente

as.Date("04/20/2011", format = "%m/%d/%Y")

## [1] "2011-04-20"


Hay dos tipos básicos de tiempo usados ​​en R: POSIXct



Las vistas externas POSIXct

y se POSIXlt

ven similares. ¿Y los internos?

z <- Sys.time()
glue(" ", 
     "POSIXct - {z}", 
     "POSIXlt - {as.POSIXlt(z)}", "---", .sep = "\n")

glue(" ", 
     "POSIXct - {capture.output(dput(z))}", 
     "POSIXlt - {paste0(capture.output(dput(as.POSIXlt(z))), collapse = '')}",
     "---", .sep = "\n")

#    /  
glue(": {year(z)} \n: {minute(z)}\n: {second(z)}\n---")

Salida de consola
## POSIXct - 2021-04-29 15:18:04
## POSIXlt - 2021-04-29 15:18:04
## ---
## POSIXct - structure(1619698684.50764, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))
## POSIXlt - structure(list(sec = 4.50764489173889, min = 18L, hour = 15L,     mday = 29L, mon = 3L, year = 121L, wday = 4L, yday = 118L,     isdst = 0L, zone = "MSK", gmtoff = 10800L), class = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt"), tzone = c("", "MSK", "MSD"))
## ---
## : 2021 
## : 18
## : 4
## ---

Inmediatamente concluimos que para un trabajo serio con datos (más de 10 líneas con el tiempo), lo POSIXlt

olvidamos como un mal sueño. Es una estructura compleja con una sobrecarga loca.


unixtimestamp, () ( 0 01.01.1970). .

— online unixtimestamp:

z <- 1548802400
as.POSIXct(z, origin = "1970-01-01")                # local
as.POSIXct(z, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")    # in UTC

## [1] "2019-01-30 01:53:20 MSK"
## [1] "2019-01-29 22:53:20 UTC"

. . :

  • ISO, (ISO 8601-2019);
  • - ;
  • .


, - . :

x <- ymd_hms("2014-09-24 15:23:10")
x + 0.5
x + 0.5 + 0.6

x + 0.45756

## [1] "2014-09-24 15:23:10 UTC"
## [1] "2014-09-24 15:23:10 UTC"
## [1] "2014-09-24 15:23:11 UTC"
## [1] "2014-09-24 15:23:10.45756 UTC"
## [1] "2014-09-24 15:23:10 UTC"

, .


# generate data
df <- data.frame(
  timestamp = as_datetime(
    round(runif(20, min = now() - seconds(10), max = now()), 0), 
    tz ="Europe/Moscow")) %>%
  mutate(ms = round(runif(n(), 0, 999), 0)) %>%
  mutate(value = round(runif(n(), 0, 100), 0))


#  " "
df %>%
  arrange(timestamp, ms)

## structure(list(timestamp = structure(c(1619698677, 1619698680, 
## 1619698676, 1619698682, 1619698675, 1619698682, 1619698679, 1619698679, 
## 1619698684, 1619698683, 1619698684, 1619698677, 1619698682, 1619698683, 
## 1619698675, 1619698676, 1619698685, 1619698681, 1619698683, 1619698681
## ), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "Europe/Moscow"), 
##     ms = c(418, 689, 729, 108, 226, 843, 12, 370, 5, 581, 587, 
##     691, 102, 79, 640, 284, 241, 85, 329, 936), value = c(63, 
##     44, 63, 45, 29, 34, 80, 85, 42, 76, 94, 89, 34, 80, 1, 66, 
##     29, 81, 15, 98)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
## -20L))

# "" 
# [magrittr aliases](https://magrittr.tidyverse.org/reference/aliases.html)
df2 <- df %>%
  mutate(timestamp = timestamp + ms/1000) %>%
  # mutate_at("timestamp", ~`+`(. + ms/1000)) %>%
  select(-ms) %>%

df2 %>% arrange(timestamp)

dt <- as.data.table(df2)
  naive = dplyr::arrange(df, timestamp, ms),
  smart = dplyr::arrange(df2, timestamp),
  dt = dt[order(timestamp)],
  check = FALSE,
  relative = TRUE,
  min_iterations = 1000

## # A tibble: 3 x 6
##   expression   min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 naive       11.9   11.8      1         1.06     1   
## 2 smart       11.1   11.0      1.06      1        1.06
## 3 dt           1      1       11.6     494.       1.22


data <- c("05102019210003657", "05102019210003757", "05102019210003857")

dmy_hms(stri_c(stri_sub(data, to = 14L), ".", stri_sub(data, from = 15L)), tz = "Europe/Moscow")

data2 <- data %>%
  sample(10^6, replace = TRUE)
  stri_sub = stri_c(stri_sub(data2, to = 14L), ".", stri_sub(data2, from = 15L)),
  stri_replace = stri_replace_first_regex(data2, pattern = "(^.{14})(.*)", replacement = "$1.$2"),
  re2_replace = re2_replace(data2, pattern = "(^.{14})(.*)", replacement = "\\1.\\2", parallel = TRUE)

## [1] "2019-10-05 21:00:03 MSK" "2019-10-05 21:00:03 MSK"
## [3] "2019-10-05 21:00:03 MSK"
## # A tibble: 3 x 6
##   expression        min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr>   <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 stri_sub        214ms    222ms      4.10   22.89MB     5.47
## 2 stri_replace    653ms    653ms      1.53    7.63MB     0   
## 3 re2_replace     409ms    413ms      2.42   15.29MB     1.21


x <- ymd(20101215)

## [1] "2010-12-15"
## [1] "Date"


ymd(20101215) == mdy("12/15/10")

## [1] TRUE

df <- tibble(first = c("", "", ""),
             last = c("", "", ""),
             birthday_str = c("31-10-06", "2/4/2007", "1 June, 2005")) %>%
  mutate(birthday = dmy(birthday_str))


, ?

#      lubridate
options(lubridate.verbose = TRUE)
#   : ..
df <- tibble(time_str = c("08.05.19 12:04:56", "09.05.19 12:05", "12.05.19 23"))

lubridate::dmy_hms(df$time_str, tz = "Europe/Moscow")
lubridate::dmy(df$time_str, tz = "Europe/Moscow")

## [1] "2019-05-08 12:04:56 MSK" NA                       
## [3] NA                       
## [1] "---------------------"
## [1] NA NA NA

#      lubridate
options(lubridate.verbose = TRUE)

lubridate::dmy_hms(df$time_str, truncated = 3, tz = "Europe/Moscow")

## [1] "2019-05-08 12:04:56 MSK" "2019-05-09 12:05:00 MSK"
## [3] "2019-05-12 23:00:00 MSK"

#      lubridate
options(lubridate.verbose = TRUE)
#   : ..
df <- tibble(date_str = c("08.05.19", "9/5/2019", "2019-05-07"))


##  Date[1:3], format: "2019-05-08" "2019-05-09" NA
## [1] "---------------------"
##  Date[1:3], format: "2008-05-19" NA "2019-05-07"
## [1] "---------------------"

? , , , - .

df %>%
  mutate(date = dplyr::coalesce(dmy(date_str), ymd(date_str)))


df1 <- df
df1$date <- dmy(df1$date_str)
idx <- is.na(df1$date)
df1$date[idx] <- ymd(df1$date_str[idx])


## [1] "---------------------"
## [1] "---------------------"


"" :


options(lubridate.verbose = FALSE)
date1 <- ymd_hms("2011-09-23-03-45-23")
date2 <- ymd_hms("2011-10-03-21-02-19")

#     ?
as.numeric(date2) - as.numeric(date1) #   ,   
(date2 - date1) %>% dput()

difftime(date2, date1)
difftime(date2, date1, unit="mins")
difftime(date2, date1, unit="secs")

## [1] 926216
## structure(10.7200925925926, class = "difftime", units = "days")
## Time difference of 10.72009 days
## Time difference of 15436.93 mins
## Time difference of 926216 secs

date1 <- ymd_hms("2019-01-30 00:00:00")


date1 - days(1)
date1 + days(1)
date1 + days(2)

## [1] "2019-01-30 UTC"
## [1] "2019-01-29 UTC"
## [1] "2019-01-31 UTC"
## [1] "2019-02-01 UTC"

date1 - months(1)
date1 + months(1) # !!!

## [1] "2018-12-30 UTC"
## [1] NA

. , .

date1 %m-% months(1)
date1 %m+% months(1)
date1 %m+% months(1) %m-% months(1)

## [1] "2018-12-30 UTC"
## [1] "2019-02-28 UTC"
## [1] "2019-01-28 UTC"

date1 <- ymd_hms("2019-01-30 01:00:00")

date1 %T>% print() %>% dput()

with_tz(date1, tzone = "Europe/Moscow") %T>% print() %>% dput()
force_tz(date1, tzone = "Europe/Moscow") %T>% print() %>% dput()

## [1] "2019-01-30 01:00:00 UTC"
## structure(1548810000, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")
## [1] "2019-01-30 04:00:00 MSK"
## structure(1548810000, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "Europe/Moscow")
## [1] "2019-01-30 01:00:00 MSK"
## structure(1548799200, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "Europe/Moscow")

, , ? , hms

. .

hms_str <- "03:22:14"

x <- as_hms(hms_str) * 15
# seconds_to_period(period_to_seconds(x))
seconds_to_period(x) %T>% dput() %>% print()

## 03:22:14
## structure(12134, units = "secs", class = c("hms", "difftime"))
## [1] "-------"
## Time difference of 182010 secs
##  'difftime' num 182010
##  - attr(*, "units")= chr "secs"
## new("Period", .Data = 30, year = 0, month = 0, day = 2, hour = 2, 
##     minute = 33)
## [1] "2d 2H 33M 30S"

— . .

( Clickhouse) , , unixtimestamp UTC. , .


  • . timestamp, , , , , .
  • ( ). , , , .
  • unixtimestamp UTC , . (!).
  • , timestamp. ,



    , .

, 0.


(, ) . , :

  • , ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ( );
  • ;
  • double

  • ;
  • .

--  ClickHouse
    store, pos,
    timestamp, ms,
    concat(toString(store), '-', toString(pos)) AS pos_uid,
    toFloat64(timestamp) + (ms / 1000)          AS timestamp

flog.info(paste("SQL query:", sql_req))
tic("  CH")
raw_df <- dbGetQuery(conn, stri_encode(sql_req, to = "UTF-8")) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, `Encoding<-`, "UTF-8") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate_at(vars(timestamp), anytime::anytime, tz = "Europe/Moscow") %>%
  mutate_at("event", as.factor)



df -> as_tibble(_df) %>%
  map(pryr::object_size) %>% 
  unlist() %>% 
  enframe() %>% 
  arrange(desc(value)) %>%
  mutate_at("value", fs::as_fs_bytes) %>%
  mutate(ratio = formattable::percent(value / sum(value), 2)) %>%
  add_row(name = "TOTAL", value = sum(.$value))


, , , . .

df <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), 
               to = as.Date("2021-05-31"), 
               by = "2 days") %>%
  # sample(20, replace = FALSE) %>%
  tibble(date = .)

#    // 
#  1
df %>%
  mutate(month_num = stri_c(lubridate::year(date), 
                            sprintf("%02d", lubridate::month(date)), 
                            sep = "/"),
         week_num = stri_c(lubridate::isoyear(date), 
                           sprintf("%02d", lubridate::isoweek(date)), 
                           sep = "/")


#    // 
#  2,    

#   ,       !!!
df %>%
  mutate(month_num = format(date, "%Y/%m (%a) ISO week %V"))


#    // 
#  3,    
#     strptime (ISO 8601)  ICU
# https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strptime.3.html
stri_datetime_fstr("%Y/%m (%a) week %V")
# ggthemes::tableau_color_pal("Tableau 20")(20) %>% scales::show_col()

#   ,      !!!
df %>%
    month_num_ru = stri_datetime_format(
      date, "yyyy'/'MM' ('ccc') week 'ww", locale = "ru", tz = "UTC"),
    month_num_en = stri_datetime_format(
      date, "yyyy'/'MM' ('ccc') week 'ww", locale = "en", tz = "UTC"))


. .

stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Persian")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Indian")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Hebrew")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Islamic")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Coptic")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL", locale="ru@calendar=Ethiopic")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "dd MMMM yyyy", locale="ru")
stri_datetime_format(today(), "LLLL d, yyyy", locale="ru")

## [1] ""
## [1] ""
## [1] ""
## [1] ""
## [1] ""
## [1] ""
## [1] "29  2021"
## [1] " 29, 2021"


map_tbl <- tibble(
  date = as_date(Sys.time() + rnorm(10^3, mean = 0, sd = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7))) %>%
  mutate(store = stri_c(sample(c("A", "F", "Y", "Z"), n(), replace = TRUE),
                        sample(101:105, n(), replace = TRUE))) %>%
  mutate(store_fct = as.factor(store)) %>%
  mutate(fail_ratio = abs(rnorm(n(), mean = 0.3, sd = 1)))

my_date_format <- function (format = "dd MMMM yyyy", tz = "Europe/Moscow") 
  scales:::force_all(format, tz)
  # stri_datetime_fstr("%d.%m%n%A")
  # stri_datetime_fstr("%d.%m (%a)")
  function(x) stri_datetime_format(x, format, locale = "ru", tz = tz)

#   ,     
gp <- map_tbl %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = store_fct, fill = fail_ratio)) +
  geom_tile(color = "white", size = 0.1) +
  # scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdYlGn", name = "Fail Ratio", label = comma) +
  # scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdYlGn", name = "Fail Ratio", guide = guide_legend(keywidth = unit(4, "cm"))) +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdYlGn", name = "Fail Ratio") +
  scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks("1 week"), labels = my_date_format("dd'.'MM' ('ccc')'")) +
  coord_equal() +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, title = " %   ") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0)) +
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 7)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5)) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  theme(legend.key.width = unit(3, "cm"))


mapa de calor

base_df <- tibble(
  start = Sys.time() + rnorm(10^3, mean = 0, sd = 60 * 24 * 3)) %>%
  mutate(finish = start + rnorm(n(), mean = 100, sd = 60)) %>%
  mutate(user_id = sample(as.character(1000:1100), n(), replace = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(user_id, start)

dt <- as.data.table(base_df, key = c("user_id", "start")) %>%
  .[, c("start", "finish") := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), 
    .SDcols = c("start", "finish")]

df <- group_by(base_df, user_id)

  dplyr_v1 = df %>% transmute(delta_t = as.numeric(difftime(finish, start, units = "secs"))) %>% ungroup(),
  dplyr_v2 = ungroup(df) %>% transmute(delta_t = as.numeric(difftime(finish, start, units = "secs"))),
  dplyr_v3 = dt %>% transmute(delta_t = finish - start),
  dt_v1 = dt[, .(delta_t = finish - start), by = user_id],
  dt_v2 = dt[, .(delta_t = finish - start)],
  check = FALSE # all_equal   

## # A tibble: 5 x 6
##   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 dplyr_v1      4.3ms   4.86ms      200.   103.1KB    11.4 
## 2 dplyr_v2     2.17ms   2.46ms      380.    17.9KB     6.24
## 3 dplyr_v3     1.67ms   1.77ms      527.    29.8KB     8.51
## 4 dt_v1       410.4us  438.7us     2139.    90.8KB     8.35
## 5 dt_v2       304.4us  335.3us     2785.   264.6KB     8.38

: //. , , ?

Código de muestra. No olvide que una serie de funciones funcionan teniendo en cuenta la configuración regional de la máquina en la que se ejecuta el código. Y si su mes está impreso en ruso, entonces esto no garantiza (si no usa métodos) un comportamiento similar en otra máquina u otro sistema operativo.

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16347731/how-to-change-the-locale-of-r
# https://jangorecki.gitlab.io/data.cube/library/stringi/html/stringi-locale.html

df <- as.Date("2020-01-01") %>% 
  seq.Date(to = . + months(4), by = "1 day") %>%
  tibble(date = .) %>%
  mutate(wday = lubridate::wday(date, week_start = 1),
         wday_abb_rus = lubridate::wday(date, label = TRUE, week_start = 1),
         wday_abb_enu = lubridate::wday(date, label = TRUE, week_start = 1, locale = "English"),
         wday_stri = stringi::stri_datetime_format(date, "EEEE", locale = "en"))

filter(df, wday == 6)


PD: La mayoría de las pruebas son solo por ejemplo. Puede ejecutarlo en sus máquinas, los números serán completamente diferentes, pero la naturaleza de la dependencia y la proporción deben ser aproximadamente las mismas.

Entrada anterior - "R vs Python en un ciclo productivo" .

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