Inteligencia de amenazas por estante: comprensión de los estándares de intercambio de datos

. — MISP STIX — , legacy/deprecated: MAEC, IODEF, OpenIOC (Cybox), CAPEC, IODEF, VERIS . community- txt csv, , . 

- : , TI. - , « » . , , TI . .


STIX, . , 1 2.1. : , , , , . , STIX:

STIX , . OASIS, cyber threat intelligence 50 , TI. — , , .

STIX TI , . , .

, STIX serialize-agnostic, JSON, GitHub. STIX , OASIS : STIX TAXII, HTTPS .

STIX , SDO (STIX Domain Objects), — SRO (STIX Relationship objects).


  1. (Attack pattern) — (TTP), . , , , , .

  2. (Campaign) — , .

  3. (Course of action) — , , .

  4. (Identity) — , .

  5. (Indicator) — , (, IP-, , , ).

  6. Intrusion set — , , , . Campaign , , , Intrusion set , Campaigns .

  7. (Malware) — .

  8. (Observed data) — .

  9. (Report) — - , , TTP, . , , , , , , .

  10. (Threat actor) — , , . , . Identity.

  11. (Tool) — , . Malware , , , nmap RDP, VNC.

  12. (Vulnerability) — / , , , , , .

, . .

â„–1 URL () x4z9arb backdoor. , — , (downloader), x4z9arb backdoor. 

? : ( , , x4z9arb backdoor. , . , , Malpedia.

STIX 2.1

    "type": "bundle",

    "id": "bundle--56be2a3b-1534-4bef-8fe9-602926274089",

    "objects": [


            "type": "indicator",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-4c0b-875e-810c5ad45a4f",

            "created": "2014-06-29T13:49:37.079Z",

            "modified": "2014-06-29T13:49:37.079Z",

            "name": "Malicious site hosting downloader",

            "description": "This organized threat actor group operates to create profit from all types of crime.",

            "indicator_types": [



            "pattern": "[url:value = '']",

            "pattern_type": "stix",

            "valid_from": "2014-06-29T13:49:37.079Z"



            "type": "malware",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "malware--162d917e-766f-4611-b5d6-652791454fca",

            "created": "2014-06-30T09:15:17.182Z",

            "modified": "2014-06-30T09:15:17.182Z",

            "name": "x4z9arb backdoor",

            "description": "This malware attempts to download remote files after establishing a foothold as a backdoor.",

            "malware_types": [




            "is_family": false,

            "kill_chain_phases": [


                    "kill_chain_name": "mandiant-attack-lifecycle-model",

                    "phase_name": "establish-foothold"





            "type": "relationship",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "relationship--864af2ea-46f9-4d23-b3a2-1c2adf81c265",

            "created": "2020-02-29T18:03:58.029Z",

            "modified": "2020-02-29T18:03:58.029Z",

            "relationship_type": "indicates",

            "source_ref": "indicator--d81f86b9-975b-4c0b-875e-810c5ad45a4f",

            "target_ref": "malware--162d917e-766f-4611-b5d6-652791454fca"





Adversary Bravo, — — Poison Ivy Variant d1c6.

PoisonIvy d16 , . 

STIX 2.1

    "type": "bundle",

    "id": "bundle--0ecd8123-90d5-46e0-9cd4-65d4999b3a2e",

    "objects": [


            "type": "threat-actor",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "threat-actor--9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f",

            "created": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",

            "modified": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",

            "name": "Adversary Bravo",

            "description": "Adversary Bravo is known to use phishing attacks to deliver remote access malware to the targets.",

            "threat_actor_types": [






            "type": "malware",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "malware--d1c612bc-146f-4b65-b7b0-9a54a14150a4",

            "created": "2015-04-23T11:12:34.760Z",

            "modified": "2015-04-23T11:12:34.760Z",

            "name": "Poison Ivy Variant d1c6",

            "malware_types": [



            "is_family": false,

            "kill_chain_phases": [


                    "kill_chain_name": "mandiant-attack-lifecycle-model",

                    "phase_name": "initial-compromise"





            "type": "attack-pattern",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "attack-pattern--8ac90ff3-ecf8-4835-95b8-6aea6a623df5",

            "created": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",

            "modified": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",

            "name": "Phishing",

            "description": "Spear phishing used as a delivery mechanism for malware.",

            "kill_chain_phases": [


                    "kill_chain_name": "mandiant-attack-lifecycle-model",

                    "phase_name": "initial-compromise"



            "external_references": [


                    "source_name": "capec",

                    "description": "phishing",

                    "url": "",

                    "external_id": "CAPEC-98"





            "type": "identity",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "identity--1621d4d4-b67d-41e3-9670-f01faf20d111",

            "created": "2015-05-10T16:27:17.760Z",

            "modified": "2015-05-10T16:27:17.760Z",

            "name": "Adversary Bravo",

            "description": "Adversary Bravo is a threat actor that utilizes phishing attacks.",

            "identity_class": "unknown"



            "type": "relationship",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "relationship--d44019b6-b8f7-4cb3-837e-7fd3c5724b87",

            "created": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "modified": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "relationship_type": "uses",

            "source_ref": "threat-actor--9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f",

            "target_ref": "malware--d1c612bc-146f-4b65-b7b0-9a54a14150a4"



            "type": "relationship",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "relationship--3cd2d6f9-0ded-486b-8dca-606283a8997f",

            "created": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "modified": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "relationship_type": "uses",

            "source_ref": "threat-actor--9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f",

            "target_ref": "attack-pattern--8ac90ff3-ecf8-4835-95b8-6aea6a623df5"



            "type": "relationship",

            "spec_version": "2.1",

            "id": "relationship--56e5f1c8-08f3-4e24-9e8e-f87d844672ec",

            "created": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "modified": "2020-02-29T18:18:08.661Z",

            "relationship_type": "attributed-to",

            "source_ref": "threat-actor--9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f",

            "target_ref": "identity--1621d4d4-b67d-41e3-9670-f01faf20d111"




, . . , STIX — APT1 ( json):

, STIX — . : , , , . — , - STIX « ».


MISP — open-source Threat Intelligence, . 2016 IETF internet draft, RFC, .

MISP p2p- threat intelligence, — . .


  1. (Event) — - , , , -. , Event — .

  2. (Event attributes) — , . Events, , , - ( , ).

  3. (Object) — - . , (md5, sha1. sha256) , . - Object References.

  4. (Tag) — , , MISP Taxonomies.

  5. (Sighting) — , , , .

  6. (Galaxy) — , /. , . Galaxies Clusters () Elements (). : Threat Actor (Galaxy), MuddyWater (Element) — .

,, Pawn Storm, — Trend Micro. 

MISP Event
  "Event": {

    "info": "Update on Pawn Storm: New Targets and Politically Motivated Campaigns",

    "publish_timestamp": "1515851051",

    "timestamp": "1515850537",

    "analysis": "2",

    "Attribute": [


        "comment": "",

        "category": "Network activity",

        "uuid": "5a5a0b04-198c-4190-9f1a-8d1cc0a8ab16",

        "timestamp": "1515850500",

        "to_ids": true,

        "value": "",

        "object_relation": null,

        "type": "hostname"



        "comment": "",

        "category": "Network activity",

        "uuid": "5a5a0b04-4d44-463f-81a9-8d1cc0a8ab16",

        "timestamp": "1515850500",

        "to_ids": true,

        "value": "",

        "object_relation": null,

        "type": "domain"



        "comment": "",

        "category": "External analysis",

        "uuid": "5a5a0b22-86a4-4d66-90e4-9282c0a8ab16",

        "timestamp": "1515850530",

        "to_ids": false,

        "value": "",

        "object_relation": null,

        "type": "link"



    "Tag": [


        "colour": "#00d622",

        "exportable": true,

        "name": "tlp:white"



    "published": true,

    "date": "2018-01-12",

    "Orgc": {

      "uuid": "56c42374-fdb8-4544-a218-41ffc0a8ab16",

      "name": "CUDESO"


    "threat_level_id": "3",

    "uuid": "5a5a0acb-a374-415e-b88f-8d1ec0a8ab16"



MISP — , . : , , . , community-driven , , , , , STIX. , STIX — . , .

STIX MISP, threat intelligence, . , — txt csv. , STIX MISP, , , , , , . (MAEC, IODEF, CAPEC, IODEF, VERIS) — .

txt csv? — - . — ( , , ), - ( ). — plain text csv, .

plain-text — , — IP-, , , URL, — - . , , «» -, , , , .

csv , , , . , . csv, - , . , , plain-text .

, txt csv, — , . Txt , — . csv- : . , , , . — csv. , .

, , , , ( , — ), / . csv- - .

— , :

, : (URL) ()?

: (url, ip), — , , , . ? ? - ?

, TI, . TI, , . STIX/MISP - .

, , STIX 1.*, OpenIOC — , , , .

threat intelligence , . , , , ( ) TI. , . , txt, csv, rss, pdf.

, . , , :

— , . , TI. , threat intelligence — , . 100% , , . , — .

TI, — , , , — , . RST Cloud , , , . Stay tuned!

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