Lo que Microsoft sabe sobre usted y cómo se puede utilizar para obtener conocimientos útiles

Microsoft. , , , — Microsoft. , Microsoft Cloud. Microsoft — API-, , ?

Dashboard API Microsoft Graph Django OneDrive, Outlook .

, , . :

  • API, , ;

  • , , ;

  • , Django.

Una sencilla aplicación de Dashboard en Django.
Dashboard Django.

  • Microsoft Graph — API Microsoft Graph.

  • OAuth 2.0 — .

  • Graph API.

  • Plotly.

  • .

Microsoft Graph — API Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Live SDK Microsoft Graph. API Microsoft 365 Microsoft Graph [1, 2].

API Microsoft Graph . — Microsoft Graph, App ID App Secret , .

(1) , . Python, Django.

Seleccione un lenguaje de programación.

Django, , Django. , Microsoft Docs.

(2) App ID App Secret — .

Azure Azure Active Directory.

Portal de Azure.

(3) , Microsoft Graph, . .

Código de muestra de Django.

  Django. oauth_settings.yml — , App ID App Secret.

Estructura del proyecto.

(4) Python.

requirements.txt [3]. , [4]. : virtualenv_graph. .

python -m venv virtualenv_graph

virtualenv_graph Python. graph-tutorial , activate:


( ). , . Python :


(5) :

python manage.py migrate

Django: django.contrib.auth django.contrib.session.

Tablas predeterminadas de Django.
Django .

(6) python manage.py runserver - . , - 8000

La página de inicio de una aplicación típica.

, Office365.

OAuth 2.0 —

, , , OAuth 2.0.OAuth 2.0 — , [5, 6].

, OAuth . ? , OAuth [5].

  • : , . Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 365 , .

  • : , .

  • : , , — Django.

  • : ( ) . .

    OAuth 2.0 para aplicaciones de servidor web.
    OAuth 2.0 - .

, Python Template.


, . OAuth 2.0. Microsoft [7].

sign_in tutorial.views.py, URL-, , get_sign_in_url. /authorize. [7]:

  • ID , ;

  • scope, , ;

  • URI — , .

, , YAML- oauth_settings.yml.

Flujo de trabajo de OAuth 2.0 en Django.
OAuth 2.0 Django.

(3) , , , URI .

(4) App ID App Secret, .

(5) API , scope.

Flujo de trabajo de OAuth 2.0 en Django.
OAuth 2.0 Django.

, . , .

Graph API

Graph. , Microsoft. , , (, OneDrive).

, , , One Drive. SharePoint, OneNote, Outlook, Teams .

scope oauth_settings.yml . : Microsoft Graph. One Drive, scope Files.ReadWrite.All. : /Bilder/Eigene Aufnahmen. GET /drive/root:/<path>:/children .

# <graph_helper.py>
def get_one_drive_items(token):
  graph_client = OAuth2Session(token=token)

  # Send GET to /drive/root
  items = graph_client.get('{0}/drive/root:/Bilder/Eigene Aufnahmen:/children'.format(graph_url))

  # Return the JSON result
  return items.json()
# <views.py>
def one_drive(request):
    context = initialize_context(request)

    token = get_token(request)

    files = get_one_drive_items(token)

    for file in files['value']:
        file['DownloadUrl'] = file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl']

    context['files'] = files['value']

    return render(request, 'tutorial/one_drive.html', context)

, one_drive, — HTML- one_drive.html API. one_drive.html calendar.html, .

{% extends "tutorial/layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Pictures uploaded to One Drive</h1>
<table class="table">
      <th scope="col">Name</th>
      <th scope="col">Created</th>
      <th scope="col">Download Link</th>
    {% if files %}
      {% for file in files %}
          <td>{{ file.name }}</td>
          <td>{{ file.createdDateTime }}</td>
          <td><a href="{{ file.DownloadUrl }}">Download</a></td>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

one_drive urls.py.

# <tutorial.urls.py>
from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
  path('calendar', views.calendar, name='calendar'),
  path('one_drive', views.one_drive, name='one_drive'),

http://localhost:8000/one_drive HTML- /Bilder/Eigene Aufnahme.


Plotly. , Plotly, pip:

pip install plotly

, . , , .

« — » files['values'], . Pandas. Pandas , . groupby CreationWeek, .count() .

def one_drive(request):
    context = initialize_context(request)

    token = get_token(request)

    files = get_one_drive_items(token)

    for file in files['value']:
        file['DownloadUrl'] = file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl']
        file['CreationDay'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(file['createdDateTime'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').date()
        file['CreationWeek'] = str(file['CreationDay'].isocalendar()[1]) + '-' + str(file['CreationDay'].year)

    # sum all items by calendar week
    items_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(files['value'])
    items_df = items_df.groupby(by="CreationWeek", dropna=False).count()
    items_df.rename(columns={'createdDateTime': 'count'}, inplace=True)

    # define new figure with plotly
    fig = px.bar(x=items_df.index.tolist(),
                     labels=dict(x="Calendar Week", y="Number of umploaded pictures")

    # graph plot
    plt_div = plot(fig, output_type='div')

    # define context
    context['files'] = files['value']
    context['plot_div'] = plt_div

    return render(request, 'tutorial/one_drive.html', context)

. (), Microsoft.

Visualización de datos usando Plotly.

API- Microsoft Graph. , :

1) Microsoft;

2) Graph API;

3) Plotly.

Graph POST. , , Microsoft Team — HTTP-. , .

  1. Microsoft Graph

  2. Live SDK Microsoft Graph

  3. Pip

  4. OAuth 2.0

  5. OAuth 2.0

  6. Microsoft OAuth 2.0

  7. API -

, :

  • Data Scientist

  • Data Analyst

  • Data Engineering

  • Fullstack- Python

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