7 Circles SPM o Cómo hacer una aplicación modular en Swift Package Manager

Gracias a Jackie Zhao @jiaweizhao por la foto en Unsplash
Gracias a Jackie Zhao @jiaweizhao por la foto en Unsplash

, , . , , , . — SPM, .

, :  “ SPM?”. . , SPM :

  • SPM .xcodeproj ( );

  • . , , ;

  • Linux/Windows;

  • xcode .


Package.swift , , .

, :

import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
    // 1.   
    name: "Resources",
    // 2. ,    
    platforms: [
    // 3. ,       
    //     ,     Firebase SPM 
    products: [
            name: "Resources",
          	//    nil - SPM      
            //       .static
            type: .dynamic,
            targets: ["Resources"]),
    // 4.      ,
  	//    ,    targets
    dependencies: [
        // name -   ( 1),     ,  
        .package(name: "R.swift.Library", url: "https://github.com/mac-cain13/R.swift.Library", .branch("master")),
        .package(path: "../Core")
    targets: [
      	//  Sources/_   
      	//         Sources,   "path:"
            name: "Resources",
            dependencies: [
                // name( 3), package( 1)
                .product(name: "RswiftDynamic", package: "R.swift.Library")
            resources: [
                //      Sources/_/___
                //   ,   


  ,   ( , ). workspace, drag and drop Project navigator.

, , . swift-tools-version:5.3, Xcode Version 12.2

1. .

SPM. - . : , .

2. SPM .

, , , . , - , : , (, checkout) .

3. R.swift SPM.

.xcodeproject , R.swift , .

XcodeGen . swift package generate-xcodeproj, .xcodeproj SPM.

, . , , R.swift. , : 

error: [R.swift] Project file at 'file:///Users/.../Resources.xcodeproj/' could not be parsed, is this a valid Xcode project file ending in *.xcodeproj?

XcodeEdit — R.swift . exec , .xcodeproj. :

pathtoexec/XcodeEdit-Example Resources.xcodeproj

Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: XcodeEdit_Example.AllObjectsError.fieldMissing(key: "buildRules"): file XcodeEdit_Example/main.swift, line 21


sed -i '' -e 's/isa = "PBXNativeTarget";/isa = "PBXNativeTarget";buildRules = ();/' Resources.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

, . generate-xcodeproj . R.swift .xcodeproj/.pbproject, .

ruby gem xcodeproj, . , .xcodeproj XcodeGen.


#   xcodeproj
name: Resources
   #      ,    
   type: framework
   platform: iOS
   # Root folder    
     - Sources


.xcodeproj :

xcodegen generate --spec Resources.yml

.xcodeproj , R.swift:

#  xcodeproj
generateXcodeProject() {
 xcodegen generate --spec Resources.yml
#  buildSettings    xcodebuild ,  ,    
getBuildSettings() {
 xcodebuild -project "Resources.xcodeproj" -target "Resources" -showBuildSettings > buildSettings.txt
#  enviroment    R.swift    
parseEnvironmentVariables() {
 export SRCROOT="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "SRCROOT" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export TARGET_NAME="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "TARGET_NAME" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export PROJECT_FILE_PATH="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "PROJECT_FILE_PATH" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export TARGET_NAME="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "TARGET_NAME" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export TEMP_DIR="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "TEMP_DIR" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export DEVELOPER_DIR="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "DEVELOPER_DIR" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export SOURCE_ROOT="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "SOURCE_ROOT" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export SDKROOT="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "SDKROOT" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export PLATFORM_DIR="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "PLATFORM_DIR" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export INFOPLIST_FILE="$(cat buildSettings.txt | grep -m1 "INFOPLIST_FILE" | sed 's/^.*= //' )"
 export SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0="$TEMP_DIR/rswift-lastrun"
 export SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0="$SRCROOT/Sources/Resources/Generated/R.generated.swift"
rswift() {
 R.swift generate --accessLevel public "$SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0"
#     R.swift     
# Bundle.module -   SPM,         
replaceRSwiftHostingBundle() {
 sed -i '' -e 's/Bundle(for: R.Class.self)/Bundle.module/' ./Sources/Resources/Generated/R.generated.swift
mkdir Sources/Resources/Generated


4. Cocoapods SPM .

, Pod fat , SPM . proxy - XCFramework. Pod, SPM — , XCFramework

Pod .framework, -.

, XCFramework. fat , Pod- 2 — . . , XCFramework arm64 x86_64. , lipo -info pathtoframework


#  2      
cp -a YandexMapsMobile YandexMapsMobile_sim
cp -a YandexMapsMobile YandexMapsMobile_device
cd YandexMapsMobile_sim/YandexMapsMobile.framework/Versions/A
#         fat       
lipo -thin x86_64 YandexMapsMobile -output YandexMapsMobile_x86_64
#  universal framework-a  
#    (i386),        thin
#     create
lipo -create YandexMapsMobile_x86_64 -output YandexMapsMobile_sim
rm -rf YandexMapsMobile YandexMapsMobile_x86_64
mv YandexMapsMobile_sim YandexMapsMobile
cd ../../../..
#   ,    
cd YandexMapsMobile_device/YandexMapsMobile.framework/Versions/A
lipo -thin arm64 YandexMapsMobile -output YandexMapsMobile_arm64
lipo -create YandexMapsMobile_arm64 -output YandexMapsMobile_device
rm -rf YandexMapsMobile YandexMapsMobile_arm64
mv YandexMapsMobile_device YandexMapsMobile
cd ../../../..
#   xcframework
xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework YandexMapsMobile_sim/YandexMapsMobile.framework -framework YandexMapsMobile_device/YandexMapsMobile.framework -output YandexMapsMobile.xcframework

XCFramework, binaryTarget. , :

let package = Package(
    name: "YandexMapsMobileWrapper",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "YandexMapsMobileWrapper",
            type: .static,
            //     XCFramework   
            targets: ["YandexMapsMobileWrapper"]),
    dependencies: [
    targets: [
        //    ,       url
        .binaryTarget(name: "YandexMapsMobileBinary", path: "YandexMapsMobile.xcframework"),
            name: "YandexMapsMobileWrapper",
            dependencies: [
                .target(name: "YandexMapsMobileBinary"),
            linkerSettings: [


5. SPM (Bundle.module).

, , , yourpackagename_yourpackagename, , - . , , .

private class BundleFinder {}
//    SPM ,  2 
public extension Bundle {
    //  №1,  ,    
    static var resourceBundle: Bundle = {
        let bundleName = "Resources_Resources"
        let candidates = [
            Bundle(for: BundleFinder.self).resourceURL,
            //  №2,         
            Bundle(for: BundleFinder.self).resourceURL?.deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent(),
        for candidate in candidates {
            let bundlePath = candidate?.appendingPathComponent(bundleName + ".bundle")
            if let bundle = bundlePath.flatMap(Bundle.init(url:)) {
                return bundle
        fatalError("unable to find bundle named \(bundleName)")

6. Resolve Swift Packages .

SPM , . SPM , Xcode . Xcode .

7. Other Linker Flags SPM.

, . — ObjC . likerSettings: [.unsafeFlags([“ObjC”])]

. , unsafeFlags, , -, branch . 

Swift Package Manager —  . , -, . , SPM workaround, ?

, !

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