MerlĂ­n: el protagonista del fanfiction de la Inglaterra medieval

Merlín es un legendario mago de barba gris y mentor del rey Arturo, el señor de las bestias y los bosques, que se ha puesto a la par de los dioses. Los británicos no escatiman en epítetos para Merlín, considerándolo uno de los personajes más importantes de la mitología británica, que influyó seriamente en la cultura angloparlante en general.

Ya en la Edad Media, la imagen de MerlĂ­n era tan amada que literalmente se escribĂ­a fanfiction. Aunque en el siglo XIII nadie conocĂ­a una palabra asĂ­.

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, — « » (Prophetiæ Merlini), 1130 1135 .

IlustraciĂłn del libro "Las profecĂ­as de MerlĂ­n" 
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"Hiis igitur gestis cleri populique favore

Ambrosio regnumque datur regnique corona,

postmodo quam gessit tractando singula juste.

Emensis autem per lustra quaterna diebus,

proditur a medico moriturque bibendo venenum.


"Thus with these deeds and the favor the the clergy and people,

the kingdom and its crown were given to Ambrosius,

and thereafter he ruled by treating everyone justly.

However, with the days improving over a period of twenty years,

he was betrayed by a doctor and died from drinking poison.

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«Myrddin» «merde», . «Merlin» : «merle» « ». 

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(Wace) « » (Roman de Brut) « », . 

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, «Jo ne dis mia fable, ne jo ne voil fabler» (« , »). , « , - » , .

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, , . XII-XIII . , . «» — . , 502 , , .

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, . Vulgate Cycle Post-Vulgate Cycle .

, Lancelot-Grail -, , . 

Merlin possessed all the wisdom that can come from demons, which is why he was so feared by the Bretons and so revered that everyone called him a holy prophet and the ordinary people all called him their god.

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20 , 70 , 150 . 150 , . , .

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As often happens with such highly coveted awards, Ministry of Magic favourites seem to receive the Order of Merlin, especially the higher classes, more often than one might expect. While nobody argued when Albus Dumbledore received his O.M. (First Class) for defeating the Dark wizard Grindelwald, there was a good deal of muttering in the wizarding community when Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, awarded himself an O.M. (First Class) for a career that many considered less than distinguished. 

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— This Stranger, this Merlin, is a minion of the Tower? Like yourself?

— Much greater than I. It has been given to him to live backward in time. He darkles. He tincts. He is in all times. Yet there is one greater than he.

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«» BBC 2008-2012 1,5 . 9 , .

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