La aplicabilidad de las tecnologías blockchain en el sistema de organización de la circulación de dinero.

COMO. Erashov, Escuela Superior de Banca en Gdansk (correo electrónico:

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Abstract. The active development of Blockchain technology as a “continuous sequential chain of blocks (linked list) built according to certain rules, an effective function” and especially its most popular part of cryptocurrencies, is currently changing the global economy. Foreign exchange controls as well as foreign exchange controls, often for political purposes. Blockchain technologies are actively developing, setting some framework for the development of cryptocurrency.

: , , , , ., , ETH, CBDC, -. Keywords: blockchain, cryptocurrency, cryptotechnologies, stablecoins, government blockchain, Bitcoin, ETH, CBDC, smart contract.

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El artículo original está solo en formato papel en la revista ECONOMY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ISSN: 1999-2300 Edición No. 11 (124) pp. 739-742. Se requiere un enlace al autor y la fuente al realizar la copia.

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