Creación de canalizaciones de CI con Tekton (Parte 2/2)
En este artículo, continuaremos construyendo la canalización de CI con Tekton . En la primera parte, hemos establecido un clúster local tipo Tekton y determinado nuestra primera tarea que clona el repositorio GitHub y lanza pruebas de aplicaciones para la aplicación Go ( el repositorio ).
En esta parte, crearemos una tarea que creará una imagen de Docker para nuestra aplicación Go y la enviará a DockerHub . Después de eso, fusionaremos nuestras tareas en una tubería.
Agregar credenciales de DockerHub
Usamos Kaniko para crear y cargar nuestra imagen de Docker , que puede crear imágenes de Docker dentro del clúster de Kubernetes, independientemente del demonio de Docker.
Kaniko construirá y ejecutará la imagen con el mismo comando. Esto significa que antes de comenzar nuestra tarea, debemos configurar las credenciales de DockerHub para que la imagen de la ventana acoplable se pueda enviar al registro.
Kubernetes mantiene en secreto las credenciales. Cree un archivo llamado secret.yaml con el siguiente contenido y reemplace myusername y mypassword con sus credenciales de DockerHub:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: basic-user-pass annotations: type: stringData: username: myusername password: mypassword , Tekton, Docker .
ServiceAccount, . serviceaccount.yaml :
apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: build-bot secrets: - name: basic-user-pass
$ kubectl apply -f secret.yaml secret/basic-user-pass created $ kubectl apply -f serviceaccount.yaml serviceaccount/build-bot created
ServiceAccount ( build-bot
) Tekton, serviceAccountName
. .
, , , , Docker.
apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: build-and-push spec: resources: inputs: - name: repo type: git steps: - name: build-and-push image: env: - name: DOCKER_CONFIG value: /tekton/home/.docker command: - /kaniko/executor - --dockerfile=Dockerfile - --context=/workspace/repo/src - --destination=arthurk/tekton-test:latest
, git ( — ) , .
DockerHub arthurk / tekton-test . .
, Kaniko Docker.
$ kubectl apply -f task-build-push.yaml created
: TaskRun kubectl, Tekton CLI (tkn).
kubectl, TaskRun, , , ServiceAccount (serviceAccountName
) .
apiVersion: kind: TaskRun metadata: name: build-and-push spec: serviceAccountName: build-bot taskRef: name: build-and-push resources: inputs: - name: repo resourceRef: name: arthurk-tekton-example
, , build-and-push
$ kubectl apply -f taskrun-build-push.yaml created $ kubectl get pods | grep build-and-push build-and-push-pod-c698q 2/2 Running 0 4s $ kubectl logs --all-containers build-and-push-pod-c698q --follow {"level":"info","ts":1588478267.3476844,"caller":"creds-init/main.go:44", "msg":"Credentials initialized."} {"level":"info","ts":1588478279.2681644,"caller":"git/git.go:136","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 301aeaa8f7fa6ec01218ba6c5ddf9095b24d5d98 (grafted, HEAD, origin/master) in path /workspace/repo"} {"level":"info","ts":1588478279.3249557,"caller":"git/git.go:177","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/repo"} INFO[0004] Resolved base name golang:1.14-alpine to golang:1.14-alpine INFO[0004] Retrieving image manifest golang:1.14-alpine INFO[0012] Built cross stage deps: map[] ... INFO[0048] Taking snapshot of full filesystem... INFO[0048] Resolving paths INFO[0050] CMD ["app"]
, / Docker:
$ docker run arthurk/tekton-test:latest hello world
Tekton CLI
Tekton CLI . TaskRun , .
$ tkn task start build-and-push --inputresource repo=arthurk-tekton-example --serviceaccount build-bot --showlog Taskrun started: build-and-push-run-ctjvv Waiting for logs to be available... [git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-p9zxz] {"level":"info","ts":1588479279.271127,"caller":"git/git.go:136","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 301aeaa8f7fa6ec01218ba6c5ddf9095b24d5d98 (grafted, HEAD, origin/master) in path /workspace/repo"} [git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-p9zxz] {"level":"info","ts":1588479279.329212,"caller":"git/git.go:177","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/repo"} [build-and-push] INFO[0004] Resolved base name golang:1.14-alpine to golang:1.14-alpine [build-and-push] INFO[0008] Retrieving image manifest golang:1.14-alpine [build-and-push] INFO[0012] Built cross stage deps: map[] ... [build-and-push] INFO[0049] Taking snapshot of full filesystem... [build-and-push] INFO[0049] Resolving paths [build-and-push] INFO[0051] CMD ["app"]
, , , kubectl , .
, (, ), , : , , Docker DockerHub.
apiVersion: kind: Pipeline metadata: name: test-build-push spec: resources: - name: repo type: git tasks: # Run application tests - name: test taskRef: name: test resources: inputs: - name: repo # name of the Task input (see Task definition) resource: repo # name of the Pipeline resource # Build docker image and push to registry - name: build-and-push taskRef: name: build-and-push runAfter: - test resources: inputs: - name: repo # name of the Task input (see Task definition) resource: repo # name of the Pipeline resource
, , , . . : git . .
. taskRef
( ) .
$ kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml created
, Task, TaskRun, Pipeline, PipelineRun.
kubectl Tekton CLI. .
kubectl, PipelineRun. pipelinerun.yaml :
apiVersion: kind: PipelineRun metadata: name: test-build-push-pr spec: serviceAccountName: build-bot pipelineRef: name: test-build-push resources: - name: repo resourceRef: name: arthurk-tekton-example
, Pod' PiplelineRun , :
$ kubectl apply -f pipelinerun.yaml created $ kubectl get pods | grep test-build-push-pr test-build-push-pr-build-and-push-gh4f4-pod-nn7k7 0/2 Completed 0 2m39s test-build-push-pr-test-d2tck-pod-zh5hn 0/2 Completed 0 2m51s $ kubectl logs test-build-push-pr-build-and-push-gh4f4-pod-nn7k7 --all-containers --follow INFO[0005] Resolved base name golang:1.14-alpine to golang:1.14-alpine INFO[0005] Retrieving image manifest golang:1.14-alpine ... INFO[0048] Taking snapshot of full filesystem... INFO[0048] Resolving paths INFO[0050] CMD ["app"]
, Tekton CLI.
Tekton CLI
CLI PipelineRun, Pipeline. --showlog
, ():
$ tkn pipeline start test-build-push --resource repo=arthurk-tekton-example --serviceaccount build-bot --showlog Pipelinerun started: test-build-push-run-9lmfj Waiting for logs to be available... [test : git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-k98k8] {"level":"info","ts":1588483940.4913514,"caller":"git/git.go:136","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 301aeaa8f7fa6ec01218ba6c5ddf9095b24d5d98 (grafted, HEAD, origin/master) in path /workspace/repo"} [test : git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-k98k8] {"level":"info","ts":1588483940.5485842,"caller":"git/git.go:177","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/repo"} [test : run-test] PASS [test : run-test] ok _/workspace/repo/src 0.006s [build-and-push : git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-2vqls] {"level":"info","ts":1588483950.2051432,"caller":"git/git.go:136","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 301aeaa8f7fa6ec01218ba6c5ddf9095b24d5d98 (grafted, HEAD, origin/master) in path /workspace/repo"} [build-and-push : git-source-arthurk-tekton-example-2vqls] {"level":"info","ts":1588483950.2610846,"caller":"git/git.go:177","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/repo"} [build-and-push : build-and-push] INFO[0003] Resolved base name golang:1.14-alpine to golang:1.14-alpine [build-and-push : build-and-push] INFO[0003] Resolved base name golang:1.14-alpine to golang:1.14-alpine [build-and-push : build-and-push] INFO[0003] Retrieving image manifest golang:1.14-alpine ...
Tekton Kubernetes, , TaskRun YAML, Tekton CLI tkn.
Tekton Pipeline, . GitHub . Docker DockerHub.
Todos los ejemplos de código están disponibles aquí .