Hoja de referencia de Spring Boot WebClient

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WebClient — , HTTP-.


, , RestTemplate . :

NOTE: As of 5.0 this class is in maintenance mode, with only minor requests for changes and bugs to be accepted going forward. Please, consider using the org.springframework.web.reactive.client.WebClient

which has a more modern API and supports sync, async, and streaming scenarios.

: 5.0, . , org.springframework.web.reactive.client.WebClient

, API , .

, , RestTemplate , . , WebClient . . 

WebClient RestTemplate

, , RestTemplate (), WebClient ( ).

RestTemplate HTTP-, API HTTP-, HttpURLConnection

(JDK), HttpComponents

(Apache) .

Spring WebClient, HTTP-, Spring WebFlux.

, , , . WebClient . WebClient. 

RestTemplate , WebClient.


  • Spring Boot 2

  • JDK 11

, Spring Initializr.

. —  spring-boot-starter-webflux



Spring WebFlux Spring 5 -.



WebClient. — .

WebClient client = WebClient.create();


WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://base-url.com");

— WebClient . , URL .

public class WebClientConfiguration {
    private static final String BASE_URL = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com";
    public static final int TIMEOUT = 1000;

    public WebClient webClientWithTimeout() {
        final var tcpClient = TcpClient
                .option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TIMEOUT)
                .doOnConnected(connection -> {
                    connection.addHandlerLast(new ReadTimeoutHandler(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
                    connection.addHandlerLast(new WriteTimeoutHandler(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

        return WebClient.builder()
                .clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(HttpClient.from(tcpClient)))

, WebClient.Builder .

Spring WebClient

WebClient : get()

, post()

, put()

, patch()

, delete()

, options()




  • (path variables

    ) uri()


  • headers()


  • cookies()




. Mono bodyToMono()

Flux bodyToFlux()


, WebClient .

public class UserService {
    private final WebClient webClient;

    public Mono<User> getUserByIdAsync(final String id) {
        return webClient
                .uri(String.join("", "/users/", id))

, User. User Mono-, . , subscribe()


  .subscribe(user -> log.info("Get user async: {}", user));


, .

, block()


public User getUserByIdSync(final String id) {
    return webClient
            .uri(String.join("", "/users/", id))

, . .

, . . retryWhen()

, response.util.retry.Retry


public User getUserWithRetry(final String id) {
    return webClient
            .uri(String.join("", "/users/", id))
            .retryWhen(Retry.fixedDelay(3, Duration.ofMillis(100)))

(, ). , repeatWhen()




, , . :

  • doOnError()

    — , Mono .

  • onErrorResume()

    — , .

, , .

public User getUserWithFallback(final String id) {
    return webClient
            .uri(String.join("", "/broken-url/", id))
            .doOnError(error -> log.error("An error has occurred {}", error.getMessage()))
            .onErrorResume(error -> Mono.just(new User()))

. onStatus()


public User getUserWithErrorHandling(final String id) {
  return webClient
          .uri(String.join("", "/broken-url/", id))
                      error -> Mono.error(new RuntimeException("API not found")))
                      error -> Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Server is not responding")))

WebClient .

  .filter((request, next) -> next
                  .header("foo", "bar")
  .clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(HttpClient.from(tcpClient)))


  .filter(basicAuthentication("user", "password")) // org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.basicAuthentication()
  .clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(HttpClient.from(tcpClient)))

, WebClient HTTP-. , , GitHub-. Spring WebClient .

, , WebClient , .

Spring WebClient!

« Spring Framework».

- « , Mongo DB Atlas».

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