Conceptos básicos del servicio de Blueprints de Microsoft Azure

Autor: Alexander Monakhov, Leonty Onischuk, Vitaly Gnusin - Ingenieros de DevOps , DataArt, Anna Medvedenko - Gerente de proyectos, DataArt

DevOps- Blueprints. : Blueprint, . , , , DevOps-, Azure . , , : Blueprints — , .

1. Blueprints?

Blueprints — Azure Cloud, Azure Cloud, .

Blueprints Azure .

Planos: estructura y niveles de aplicación
Blueprints —

2. Blueprints?

, : 

  • Role Assignments.

  • Policy Assignments.

  • Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates).

  • Resource Groups.

ARM-, Blueprints . , , , , ARM-. Blueprint , CI/CD.

, ARM-, Blueprint ( ) ( ). .

  Blueprint ( ) ARM-.

3. Blueprint as Code


Blueprints Azure DevOps Azure Blueprints Neil Peterson

c Blueprints : 

  • Blueprint, (. ), (assign.json).

  • (publish) Blueprint Azure Blueprints service.

  • (assignment) Blueprint — , Blueprint assign.json, .

3.2 Blueprint 

Blueprint JSON — . 

Blueprints : 

blueprint.json — , — Blueprint. Blueprint , . 

assign.json Blueprint, , Blueprint Assignment (, , SKU, , , . .). . . 


FileTransform  XML JSON-. 

assign.json, Blueprint. location, blueprintId, gOrganizationName g_AzureRegion: 

    "identity": {
      "type": "SystemAssigned"
    "location": "testLocation",
    "properties": {
      "blueprintId": "testBlueprintId",
      "resourceGroups": {},
      "parameters": {
        "g_Organization_Name": {
          "value": "testOrgName"
        "g_AzureRegion": {
          "value": "testLocation"

YAML- , : 

  location: 'westeurope'
  properties.blueprintId: "/subscriptions/$(SubscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/AM-BP-feature-init"
  properties.parameters.g_AzureRegion.value: $(location)
  properties.parameters.g_Organization_Name.value: "Integration"


- task: FileTransform@1
    folderPath: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)\blueprints'
    fileType: 'json'
    targetFiles: 'assign.json'


- script: type "$(Agent.BuildDirectory)\blueprints\assign.json"


Blueprint , : 

  • — . 

  • ARM- — .

  • — .

  • — .


    "properties": {
        "description": "This will be displayed in the essentials, so make it good",
        "targetScope": "subscription",
        "parameters": { 
            "principalIds": {
                "type": "string",
                "metadata": {
                    "displayName": "Display Name for Blueprint parameter",
                    "description": "This is a blueprint parameter that any artifact can reference. We'll display these descriptions for you in the info bubble",
                    "strongType": "PrincipalId"
            "genericBlueprintParameter": {
                "type": "string"
        "resourceGroups": {
            "SingleRG": {
                "description": "An optional description for your RG artifact. FYI location and name properties can be left out and we will assume they are assignment-time parameters",
                "location": "eastus"
    "type": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints" 

parameters: principalIds  genericBlueprintParameter

. ResourceGroup blueprint.json, . 


Blueprint . blueprint.json

"parameters": { 
    "genericBlueprintParameter": {
        "type": "string"


, ARM- (defaultValue, allowedValue . .). , :

"properties": {
    "genericBlueprintParameter": "[parameters('principalIds')]",


${{ parameters.genericBlueprintParameter }}

3.6 Resource Group 

Resource Group blueprint.json :

  • : "location": "eastus".

  • ResourceGroup: SingleRG.

, (assignment). 

"name": "myRgName" SingleRG ( ).



  1. Kind, , : 

    a. template, 

    b. roleAssignment, 

    c. policyAssignment.

  2. Type, : Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts. 

  3. Properties — , . 

    a. dependsOn .  .  

    b. resourceGroup , . , , blueprint.json.  

: Policy Assignment, Role Assignment, Template. 

3.8 Blueprints  

Blueprints : 

  • powershell ( Az.Blueprint, . );

  • , Neil Peterson ( . , ).

3.8.1. Blueprint

- task:
  displayName: 'Create Azure Blueprint'
    azureSubscription: 'nepeters-subscription'
    BlueprintName: 'blueprints-demo'
    BlueprintPath: ./create
    IncludeSubFolders: true
    PublishBlueprint: true
    ChangeNote: 'Added new artifacts.'

Azure -> Blueprints -> Blueprint definitions. 

3.8.2. Blueprint

- task:
  displayName: 'Assign Azure Blueprint'
    azureSubscription: 'nepeters-internal'
    AssignmentName: 'prod-test-one'
    BlueprintName: 'prod-test-one'
    ParametersFile: 'assign/assign-blueprint.json'
    AlternateSubscription: true
    SubscriptionID: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    Wait: true
    StopOnFailure: true

Azure -> Blueprints -> Assigned blueprints. Blueprint. 

, Blueprints ARM-, . — . Azure, ,   .

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