Práctica con Deno: desarrollo de API REST + MongoDB + Linux

Hola a todos. Esta vez decidí hacer algo más interesante que otro bot, así que a continuación te mostraré cómo implementar la API REST con Deno, conectar y usar MongoDB como base de datos y ejecutarlo todo desde Linux.

Una versión en video de esta publicación está disponible a continuación:

Descripción de la tarea

Como ejemplo, elegí la API de Github Gists y los siguientes métodos:

  • [POST] Crea una esencia;

  • [OBTENER] Lista de lo esencial público;

  • [OBTENER] Obtenga una idea general;

  • [PATCH] Actualizar una esencia;

  • [BORRAR] Elimina una esencia.

Creación de proyectos

Primero, agregamos un archivo api/mod.ts


console.log('hello world');

Y comprobamos que todo funciona con el comando deno run mod.ts



Agregar dependencias

Cree un archivo api/deps.ts

y agregue las siguientes dependencias:

  • Paquete Oak para trabajar con API;

  • Paquete Mongo para trabajar con MongoDB;

/* REST API */
export { Application, Router } from "<>";
export type { RouterContext } from "<>";
export { getQuery } from "<>";

/* MongoDB driver */
export { MongoClient, Bson } from "<>";

Aparte : a diferencia de NodeJS, los autores de Deno han eliminado el soporte para npm y node_modules

, y las bibliotecas necesarias están vinculadas a URL y almacenadas en caché localmente. Las bibliotecas en sí se pueden encontrar en la sección Módulos de terceros en .

Adición de la API estándar

A continuación, agregue el código para ejecutar la API en el archivo mod.ts


import { Application, Router } from "./deps.ts";

const router = new Router();

  .get("/", (context) => {
    context.response.body = "Hello world!";

const app = new Application();


await app.listen({ port: 8000 });





, :

  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • http://localhost:8000


  • 'Hello world!';

: Deno secure by default. , () (--allow-net

, (--allow-read


, (--allow-env

) .

POST /gists

, .


  • [POST] /gists

  • :

    • content: string | body;

  • :

    • 201 Created;

    • 400 Bad Request;



, handler () :

import { RouterContext } from "../deps.ts";

import { createGist } from "../service.ts";

export async function create(context: RouterContext) {
  if (!context.request.hasBody) {
    context.throw(400, "Bad Request: body is missing");

  const body = context.request.body();
  const { content } = await body.value;
  if (!content) {
    context.throw(400, "Bad Request: content is missing");

  const gist = await createGist(content);

  context.response.body = gist;
  context.response.status = 201;


  • (request.hasBody



  • createGist

    ( );

  • 201 Created.

, ( service.ts


import { insertGist } from "./db.ts";

export async function createGist(content: string): Promise<IGist> {
  const values = {
    created_at: new Date(),

  const _id = await insertGist(values);

  return {

interface IGist {
  _id: string;
  content: string;
  created_at: Date;

content: string

, IGist


MongoDB. db.ts


import { Collection } from "<>";
import { Bson, MongoClient } from "./deps.ts";

async function connect(): Promise<Collection<IGistSchema>> {
  const client = new MongoClient();
  await client.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  return client.database("gist_api").collection<IGistSchema>("gists");

export async function insertGist(gist: any): Promise<string> {
  const collection = await connect();
  return (await collection.insertOne(gist)).toString();

interface IGistSchema {
  _id: { $oid: string };
  content: string;
  created_at: Date;


  • MongoDB;

  • gist_api



  • , gist_api



  • insertOne

    (inserted id);


, :

sudo systemctl start mongod
sudo systemctl status mongod

, :

: MongoDB Ubuntu

  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • Postman API:

, 201 Created



: , TypeScript . - Deno TypeScript .

GET /gists

, .


  • [GET] /gists

  • :

    • skip: string | query;

    • limit: string | query;

  • :

    • 200 OK;


, handler () :

import { getQuery, RouterContext } from "../deps.ts";

import { getGists } from "../service.ts";

export async function list(context: RouterContext) {
  const { skip, limit } = getQuery(context);

  const gists = await getGists(+skip || 0, +limit || 0);

  context.response.body = gists;
  context.response.status = 200;


  • query string getQuery


  • getGists

    ( );

  • 200 OK;

: number

, string

. +skip || 0

( , NaN



, :

export function getGists(skip: number, limit: number): Promise<IGist[]> {
  return fetchGists(skip, limit);

skip: number

limit: number

, , IGist


MongoDB. fetchGists



export async function fetchGists(skip: number, limit: number): Promise<any> {
  const collection = await connect();
  return await collection.find().skip(skip).limit(limit).toArray();


  • gist_api



  • , skip

    - limit


  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • Postman API:

, 200 OK


GET /gists/:id



  • [GET] /gists/:id

  • :

    • id: string | path

  • :

    • 200 OK;

    • 400 Bad Request;

    • 404 Not Found.


, handler () :

import { RouterContext } from "../deps.ts"
import { getGist } from "../service.ts";

export async function get(context: RouterContext) {
    const { id } = context.params;
    if(!id) {
        context.throw(400, "Bad Request: id is missing");

    const gist = await getGist(id);
    if(!gist) {
        context.throw(404, "Not Found: the gist is missing");

    context.response.body = gist;
    context.response.status = 200;


  • id

    400 ;

  • getGist

    404 ( );

  • 200 OK;

, :

export function getGist(id: string): Promise<IGist> {
    return fetchGist(id);

interface IGist {
  _id: string;
  content: string;
  created_at: Date;

id: string

, IGist


MongoDB. fetchGist



export async function fetchGist(id: string): Promise<any> {
  const collection = await connect();
  return await collection.findOne({ _id: new Bson.ObjectId(id) });


  • gist_api



  • findOne



  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • Postman API:

, 200 OK


PATCH /gists/:id


, :

  • [PATCH] /gists/:id

  • :

    • id: string | path

    • content: string | body

  • :

    • 200 OK;

    • 400 Bad Request;

    • 404 Not Found.


, handler () :

import { RouterContext } from "../deps.ts";

import { getGist, patchGist } from "../service.ts";

export async function update(context: RouterContext) {
  const { id } = context.params;
  if (!id) {
    context.throw(400, "Bad Request: id is missing");

  const body = context.request.body();
  const { content } = await body.value;
  if (!content) {
    context.throw(400, "Bad Request: content is missing");

  const gist = await getGist(id);
  if (!gist) {
    context.throw(404, "Not Found: the gist is missing");

  await patchGist(id, content);

  context.response.status = 200;


  • id

    400 ;

  • !content


  • getGist

    404 ;

  • patchGist

    ( );

  • 200 OK.

, :

export async function patchGist(id: string, content: string): Promise<any> {
  return updateGist({ id, content });

interface IGist {
  _id: string;
  content: string;
  created_at: Date;

id: string

content: string

, any


MongoDB. updateGist



export async function updateGist(gist: any): Promise<any> {
  const collection = await connect();
  const filter = { _id: new Bson.ObjectId( };
  const update = { $set: { content: gist.content } };
  return await collection.updateOne(filter, update);


  • gist_api



  • filter

    , ;

  • update

    , ;

  • updateOne


  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • Postman API:

, 200 OK


DELETE /gists/:id

, , .

, :

  • [DELETE] /gists/:id

  • :

    • id: string | path

  • :

    • 204 No Content;

    • 404 Not Found.


, handler () :

import { RouterContext } from "../deps.ts";

import { getGist, removeGist } from "../service.ts";

export async function remove(context: RouterContext) {
  const { id } = context.params;
  if (!id) {
    context.throw(400, "Bad Request: id is missing");

  const gist = await getGist(id);
  if (!gist) {
    context.throw(404, "Not Found: the gist is missing");

  await removeGist(id);

  context.response.status = 204;


  • id

    400 ;

  • getGist

    404 ;

  • removeGist

    ( );

  • 204 No Content.

, :

export function removeGist(id: string): Promise<number> {
  return deleteGist(id);

id: string



MongoDB. deleteGist



export async function deleteGist(id: string): Promise<any> {
  const collection = await connect();
  return await collection.deleteOne({ _id: new Bson.ObjectId(id) });


  • gist_api



  • deleteOne



  • deno run --allow-net mod.ts


  • Postman API:

, 204 No Content


: . isDeleted: boolean



API 404 Not Found




import { Application, Router } from "./deps.ts";
import { list } from "./handlers/list.ts";
import { create } from "./handlers/create.ts";
import { remove } from "./handlers/remove.ts";
import { get } from "./handlers/get.ts";
import { update } from "./handlers/update.ts";

const app = new Application();

const router = new Router();

  .post("/gists", create)
  .get("/gists", list)
  .get("/gists/:id", get)
  .delete("/gists/:id", remove)
  .patch("/gists/:id", update);


await app.listen({ port: 8000 });


API 500 Internal Server Error


const app = new Application();

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  try {
    await next();
  } catch (err) {


  • ;

  • GitHub Gist API ;

  • API;

  • MongoDB;

  • MongoDB Ubuntu.


, , , , -.

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