"El mundo después de la capital" de Albert Wenger (parte 7/7)

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Récord de larga distancia para vuelos no comerciales

: [Wikipedia, 2017: Flight distance record]

: ( 1000 )

La relación entre el crecimiento del PIB per cápita y una disminución de la mortalidad infantil con una desaceleración del crecimiento de la población

: [United Nations DESA / Population Division, 2017: World Population Prospects 2017]

, : [The World Bank, 2017: World Development Indicators]

: [UN IGME, 2017: Child Mortality Estimates]


Apartamentos (millones)

: [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: Housing Inventory Estimate: Total Housing Units for the United States]


Gran división: PIB por persona (sin.) E ingreso promedio por hogar (rojo)
—  (.) (.)

: [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: FRED Graph]

: [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: Real Median Family Income in the United States]


La relación entre la deuda total de los hogares y el PIB en los Estados Unidos

: [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level]

: [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: Gross Domestic Product]

: ( / ) * 100


Suicidios de hombres adultos de raza blanca (sin.), Sobredosis en adultos (rojo), depresión en adolescentes (amarillo).
(.), (.), (.)

: [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017: Fatal Injury Reports, National, Regional and State, 1981 – 2015]

: [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017: Fatal Injury Reports, National, Regional and State, 1981 – 2015]

: [Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2015: Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health]


Bienes duraderos (sin.), Servicios médicos (rojo), Educación universitaria (amarillo)
(.), - (.), (.)

( ) , : [Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2017: Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Durables]

: [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017: Medical care in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted]

: [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017: College tuition and fees in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted]


Gasto sanitario per cápita: Estados Unidos (azul), países de la OCDE (rojo)
: (.), (.)

: [The World Bank, 2017: Health expenditure per capita (current US$)]


El costo de decodificar el genoma (sin.), El número de decodificación del genoma (rojo).
(.), (.)

: [National Human Genome Research Institute, 2017: DNA Sequencing Costs: Data]

: [National Human Genome Research Institute, 2017: DNA Sequencing Costs: Data]

«», 550 (0,55 ) . 7,5 , 4 . 600 , 6E + 17 . , 152 , 400 000 (. ).

(+, -, x, /)


[Trenberth, Kevin E and Smith, Lesley, 2003: The Mass of the Atmosphere: A Constraint on Global Analyses]



[UCAR Center for Science Education, 2011: The Troposphere - overview]



[UCAR Center for Science Education, 2008: Thermosphere - overview]

/ 1,217 /^3

[NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive, 2016: Earth Fact Sheet]

= 6,28E+17 ^3

0,55 ^3 (550 )

[How Stuff Works, 2017: How much oxygen does a person consume in a day?]


7.5E+9 ()

[Worldometers, 2017: Current World Population]

4.13E+9 ^3

1,51E+12 ^3

152 386 643

417 497

, , , 2 . , , CO2 . , — CO2 0,04% 400 ( , ) [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2010: Recent Monthly Average Mauna Loa CO2]. , 20% 500 .

? , , . , . . , , 50 [BASF Corporation, 2012: BASF’s Port Elizabeth facility produces 50 millionth emissions control catalyst for automotive catalytic converters].

, . 10 ( 24 , ). , 10^15 . 2,5 (0,0025 ) , 19 . , , . , 4 [The World Bank, 2014: Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters)]. , 2600 (. ). 2600 , , , , , 97 .

(+, -, x, /)

10,53E+15 ^3

[The USGS Water Science School, 2016: How much water is there on, in, and above the Earth?]


0,0025 ^3 (2,5 )

[University of Michigan Health System, 2015: Myth of 8 Glasses of Water a Day]


7.5E+9 ()

[Worldometers, 2017: Current World Population]

18 750 000 ^3

6.84E+09 ^3

3.99E+12 ^3

[The World Bank, 2014: Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters)]

964 314

2 642

, , . , . . . , 50 [How Stuff Works, 2010: How much money can I save with a water filter?]. 30 (.: ≈115 ) 1,50 ( 12 ) [Statista, 2009: Per capita consumption of bottled water worldwide in 2015, by leading countries (in gallons)]. 28 , , , 90 , [The World Bank, 2016: Can we really put a price on meeting the global targets on drinking-water and sanitation?].

(+, -, x, /)



[Hunger Math, 2012: How much food does the world produce in one year]



[Hunger Math, 2012: How many calories will feed one billion hungry persons?]


7.5E+9 ()

[Worldometers, 2017: Current World Population]




, . 25 78 , 1948 , [United States Department of Agriculture, 2015: U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth: The Past, Challenges, and the Future].

, , , . , -. Spread , 30 000 [Business Insider, 2016: The world's first robot-run farm will harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce daily]. , , , .

2010 235 , 800 , 75 [Moura, Maria Cecilia; Smith, Steven; Belzer, David, 2015: 120 Years of U.S. Residential Housing Stock and Floor Space]. , , , (.: ) 8 , .

— American Housing Survey. [American Housing Survey, 2013: Rooms, Size, and Amenities - All Housing Units (NATIONAL)] 2013 , 230 . 316 , 230 * 10^9 / 316 * 10^6 = 727 67 .

— . , (2735 / 4) * 10^3, 683 * 10^3 , 1,737 . , , 0,683 * 10^6 * 1,737 * 10^3 = 1,186 * 10^9 ( 1 ) , 100 , 10 [American Housing Survey, 2013: Rooms, Size, and Amenities - All Housing Units (NATIONAL)].

, , . , , - . , [Federation of American Scientists, 2014: U.S. Textile Manufacturing and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations], 2013 31,7 , 116 805 , 270 . : 13,4 , 143 575 , 93 . , .

, , . . , 200 [European Environment Agency, 2014: Per capita household expenditure on food and clothing and disposable income in European countries] [Statista, 2015: Per capita expenditure on apparel worldwide in 2015 and 2025, by region (in U.S. dollars)].

2012 1,7 [Fashion United, 2012: Global fashion industry statistics - International apparel]. 7 . 242 , , .

, [Newsweek, 2015: Robots Will Soon be Making You a Custom-Fitted Sweater], , [Just Style, 2015: Can robotics redefine the future of apparel manufacturing?].

[U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2015: Pocket Guide to Transportation]

2012, ( ) 2 664 445 (: ), 2012 ( ) 3 669 821, = 1,38 . , , 76% .

233 760 558 2012 220 931 982 2002 313 2012 . 233,7 / 313 = 0,75 .

4% [ARK Invest, 2014: How Many Cars can One Zipcar Replace: Zipcar and the Impact of Car Sharing on Auto Sales], .

. -, , . , . -, (, ) . , . 66% , — 10% [Statista, 2015: Percentage of U.S. hospital costs in 2015, by type of expense]. -, .

, , , , , 75 . . [Roser, Max, 2016: Everyone is better off – Life expectancy increased in all countries around the world], , 50% 75 . 37% 65 75, 13% . , 1950 .

, , . , , 80- Apple II, 48 8- 1 . 1300 , 5000 . Raspberry Pi 2 35 ( 99,3%) 1 ( 21000 ) 32- 900 ( 14000 ). , Xiaomi 100 . 2015 1,4 [International Data Corporation, 2015: Smartphone Shipments Reach Second Highest Level for a Single Quarter as Worldwide Volumes Reach 355.2 Million in the Third Quarter, According to IDC]. , , .


, , . Apple II, , . 300 / 40 /. , LTE , -, 70 / 30 / ( 100 000 ). , , ​​ , , . , Wi-Fi , 200 4 / 1500 . 1 / 4 7500 . (.: ), .

, ( CO2) . , 2017 , 85% 30 , , 2030 [World Economic Forum, 2017: Germany just broke its own energy record and generated 85% of electricity from renewables]. 61,5% , 2016 , (, , , , ), [EcoWatch, 2017: Renewables Dominated New U.S. Power Generation in 2016]. También hemos logrado un progreso significativo en el desarrollo de baterías de carga compartida. Y la energía nuclear puede proporcionarse de formas mucho más seguras que nuestros grandes reactores históricos. Además, no hay nada en física que pueda impedirnos construir reactores de fusión. Simplemente no hemos descubierto cómo hacerlo todavía.

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