Creación dinámica de Spring Beans en tiempo de ejecución

La traducción ha sido preparada especialmente para futuros alumnos del curso "Developer on Spring Framework" .

Este artículo sobre binning dinámico se ha convertido en el más popular en mi blog en cinco años (más de 9.300 visitas). Es hora de actualizarlo. También agregué un ejemplo en Github .

Dinámica de Spring Bean en Github
Spring Bean Github

: " Spring Bean , ". , . properties-.

1. , , :

package your.package;

public @interface InjectDynamicObject {

2. , :

public class CustomerServiceImpl {
    private Customer dynamicCustomerWithAspect;
    public Customer getDynamicCustomerWithAspect() {
        return this.dynamicCustomerWithAspect;

3. Pointcut Advise, , 2:

public class DynamicObjectAspect {
    // This comes from the property file
    private String object;
    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
        InjectDynamicObject * *(..))")
    public void beanAnnotatedWithInjectDynamicObject() {
    public Object adviceBeanAnnotatedWithInjectDynamicObject(
        ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {   
        // Create the bean or object depends on the property file  
        Object createdObject = applicationContext.getBean(object);
        return createdObject;

4. , @InjectDynamicObject. properties-. Customer: CustomerOneImpl CustomerTwoImpl:

public class CustomerOneImpl implements Customer {
    public String getName() {
        return "Customer One";

5. :

public class CustomerServiceImplTest {
    private CustomerServiceImpl customerService;
    public void testGetDynamicCustomerWithAspect() {
        // Dynamic object creation"Dynamic Customer with Aspect: " +

, , . AspectJ, Spring. Map . eXTra Client. PluginsLocatorManager. Spring Map (String) .

"… Map , String. Map , — ".

. Spring.

public class CustomerServiceImpl {
    // We inject the customer implementations into a Map
    private Map<String, Customer> dynamicCustomerWithMap;
    // This comes from the property file as a key for the Map
    private String object;
    public Customer getDynamicCustomerWithMap() {
        return this.dynamicCustomerWithMap.get(object);

" Spring Framework" .

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