Conexión y configuración de gráficos de TradingView

Si eres autónomo o CTO de un proyecto financiero, tarde o temprano te enfrentarás al tema de conectar horarios, te ahorraré al menos un día de trabajo. Aquellos que ya están usando esta biblioteca pueden encontrar algo nuevo.

El artículo tendrá el formato de un "libro de recetas" con soluciones de código abierto para el intercambio de criptomonedas Binance y Forex.

¡Hola, Habr!

TradingView (charting_library) , - , " " .

: " ".

English version.

Cook book

. , , :)

. , , 404 , , .

. — .

, . Forex- , . 2- Forex , - . . .

GitHub, :

  1. GitHub

4 . 3 . , .



//  Nodejs
import { widget } from '../public/charting_library/charting_library.min'
const widget = new widget({ <options> })

charting_library library_path: '/charting_library/'

. Vuejs vue.config.js => publicPath: '/'. : /public/index.html, /public/charting_library/ , .

. , : JS API UDF. "" . JSAPI, UDF , , .

  • JS API —
  • UDF —

JSAPI UDF, UDF WebSocket . , : datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed('http://localhost:3000/datafeed', 1000)

TradingView JS API adapter

, , console.log('[< >]: Method call').

: onReady => resolveSymbol => getBars => subscribeBars => unsubscribeBars.

, , unsubscribeBars, , WebSocket . subscribeBars, unsubscribeBars . getServerTime , , .

, resolveSymbolhas_no_volume: true.

export default {
    //  ,   
    onReady: (callback) => {
        console.log('[onReady]: Method call');
                // setTimeout(() => callback(<  >))
     //  ,    
    searchSymbols: (userInput, exchange, symbolType, onResultReadyCallback) => {
        console.log('[searchSymbols]: Method call');
    resolveSymbol: (symbolName, onSymbolResolvedCallback, onResolveErrorCallback) => {
        console.log('[resolveSymbol]: Method call', symbolName);
                // onSymbolResolvedCallback({ ..., has_no_volume: true})
    getBars: (symbolInfo, interval, from, to, onHistoryCallback, onErrorCallback, firstDataRequest) => {
        console.log('[getBars] Method call', symbolInfo, interval)
        console.log('[getBars] First request', firstDataRequest)
    //    WebSocket
    subscribeBars: (symbolInfo, interval, onRealtimeCallback, subscribeUID, onResetCacheNeededCallback) => {
        console.log('[subscribeBars]: Method call with subscribeUID:', subscribeUID);
    unsubscribeBars: (subscriberUID) => {
        console.log('[unsubscribeBars]: Method call with subscriberUID:', subscriberUID);
    getServerTime: (callback) => {}

, Binance, .


TradingView UDF adapter

UDF , . datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed('http://localhost:3000/datafeed', 1000)

//     **Fastify**
// main.js
const app = Fastify()
app.register(import('./modules/tradingview'), {})

// tradingview.js
const plugin = async (app, options) => {

    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        res.code(200).header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
            .send('Welcome to UDF Adapter for TradingView. See ./config for more details.')

    app.get('/time', (req, res) => {
        console.log('[time]: Method call')
        const time = Math.floor( / 1000)  // In seconds
        res.code(200).header('Content-Type', 'text/plain').send(time.toString())

         //  onReady
    app.get('/config', (req, res) => {
        console.log('[config]: Method call')

    //  : supports_group_request: true & supports_search: false
    app.get('/symbol_info', async (req, res) => {
        console.log('[symbol_info]: Method call')

    //  : supports_group_request: false & supports_search: true
    app.get('/symbols', async (req, res) => {
        console.log('[symbol_info]: Method call')
        const symbol = await getSymbols(req.query.symbol)
        return symbol

        //  getBars,   
    app.get('/history', async (req, res) => {
        console.log('[history]: Method call')


JS API getBars

, "" . getBars firstDataRequest, true\false, . true .

getBars: (symbolInfo, interval, from, to, onHistoryCallback, onErrorCallback, firstDataRequest) => {
        console.log('[getBars] Method call', symbolInfo, interval)
        console.log('[getBars] First request', firstDataRequest)

                if (firstDataRequest) { 
                   console.log('do something')


UDF , . JS API , setInterval subscribeBars .

subscribeBars: (symbolInfo, resolution, onRealtimeCallback, subscribeUID,  onResetCacheNeededCallback) => {
        console.log('[subscribeBars]: Method call with subscribeUID:', subscribeUID)

        window.interval = setInterval(function () {
            getLastKline(symbolInfo.ticker, resolution).then(kline => onRealtimeCallback(kline))
        }, 1000 * 60) // 60s update interval
unsubscribeBars: (subscriberUID) => {
        console.log('[unsubscribeBars]: Method call with subscriberUID:', subscriberUID)

        console.log('[unsubscribeBars]: cleared')

: theme: "Light" || "Dark". . , , header_widget ( , .), .css.

: custom_css_url: '/tradingview.css', /index.html. :

.chart-controls-bar {
    border-top: none !important;

.chart-page, .group-wWM3zP_M-  {
    background: transparent !important;

.pane-separator {
    display: none !important;



, , . , => this.setOverlay(cb)) , .

Save\Load adapter

UDF adapter. \ .

- ,

, , , . . .

, , onChartReady. , , Observer.

widget.onChartReady(function() {
    // It's now safe to call any other methods of the widget

, .

, , . Vuejs, .

import orders from '../../../multiblock/orders/mixin'

import createOrder from './createOrder'
import openOrders from './openOrders'
import trades from './trades'

export default {
    mixins: [orders, createOrder, openOrders, trades],
    data: () => ({
        lines: new Map()
    watch: {
        onChartReady(val) {
            if (val) {
                //* Uncomment: Testing price line
                // this.line({ id: 'test', price: 0.021, quantity: 100 })
    methods: {
        // Line: open orders
        positionLine(data) {
                .onCancel(() => {
                .onMove(() => this.$bus.$emit('market-orders-updateOrder', { id:, price: this.lines.get( }))

        // Line: order mobule ('price', 'stopPrice')
        orderLine({ id = 'price', }) {
            this.line({ id, })
                .onMove(() => {
                    // Set new value on draging
                    this.$store.commit('setMarketOrder', { [id]: this.lines.get(id).getPrice() })
                .onCancel(() => {
                    // Delete price line & set price = 0
                    this.$store.commit('setMarketOrder', { [id]: 0 }) // set 0 value in vuex storage
        line({ id = 'price', text = 'Price', color = '#ff9f0a', price, quantity, fontColor = '#fff', lineStyle = 2, lineLength = 25 }) {
            if (this.lines.has(id)) this.deleteLine(id)

            // Creating line from scratch
            const widget = this.widget.chart().createOrderLine()
                .onModify(res => res) // Need for dragging

                // Customize color



                .setLineLength(lineLength) // Margin right 25%

            this.lines.set(id, widget)

            return widget // return for orderLine func()

        deleteLine(id) {
        deleteLines() {
            this.lines.forEach((value, key) => this.deleteLine(key))

, . , .



charting_library . PineScript JavaScript .

Custom Studies

No existe tal funcionalidad en la versión gratuita de charting_library . Si es necesario, puede hacerlo usted mismo HTML + CSS.

Fuente abierta

  • tradingview-jsapi-binance : intercambio de Binance conectado con adaptador JS API y flujo WebSocket
  • tradingview-jsapi-forex : datos de Forex para el adaptador de API JS. Actualización de datos por minuto sin WebSocket con métodos Save \ Load


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