ProgramaciĂłn funcional en Python. Generadores como estilo declarativo de Python

  • IntroducciĂłn general
  • FP

    • IntroducciĂłn a FP
    • Principios fundamentales de la planificaciĂłn familiar
    • TĂ©rminos básicos
    • Comportamiento FP incorporado en Python
    • Biblioteca del kit de herramientas de Xoltar
    • Biblioteca de devoluciones
    • Literatura
  • Generadores

    • IntroducciĂłn a los iteradores
    • IntroducciĂłn a los generadores
    • Generadores vs iteradores
    • Generadores como tuberĂ­a
    • El rendimiento del concepto
    • Enrutamiento de datos en generadores (multiplexaciĂłn, transmisiĂłn)
    • Ejemplo de seguimiento de generador
    • Generadores de herramientas estándar
    • conclusiones

      • pros
      • Desventajas
    • Literatura
  • Salir

IntroducciĂłn general

Python, , , . — . , , , Python. , , , . "Fluent Python", , , .

, , . — , , .

: .

“?”. , , . , .

“?”. , , , , , . .

- “ ” “ ”.

– / / . , “ ”. , C, , .

- () , , . : , , , . , C#, Java.

– , ( ). , – Haskell, Lisp.

, . , , , , .

  • (First Class Object).

    , , — , ..
  • . , .
  • (lists, Lisp — LISt Processing). .
  • (High Order Functions). – , .

    . Python , map. Iterable , Iterable Iterator , .

  • “” (Pure Functions) – .. ( : -).

    Python . , .

  • , , , .

, ( )

  • .

    — , . .

    • .


    • .

      - , . , .

    • .



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    , - , . — , . , , , , , .

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    — , . .

    • .

      , , , . .

      , , , . , , .

  • (closure)

    — . © Steve Majewski

    — , .


Python — map(), reduce(), filter() lambda. Python 1.x apply(), , . Python 2.0 . Python 2.3 , Python 3.0

, Python; , (if, elif, else, assert, try, except, finally, for, break, continue, while, def) , . , , , " Python" ( , Lisp'), , .

, , . if/elif/else Python

# Normal statement-based flow control
if <cond1>: 
elif <cond2>: 

    # Equivalent "short circuit" expression
(<cond1> and func1()) or (<cond2> and func2()) or (func3()) 

. skymorp, , func1, func2 () func3 non falsy . , func , (func3) .


pr = lambda s:s 
namenum = lambda x: (x==1 and pr("one")) or (x==2 and pr("two")) or (pr("other"))
assert namenum(1) == 'one' 
assert namenum(2) == 'two' 
assert namenum(3) == 'other'

, . for map().

for e in lst:  
    func(e)      # statement-based loop

map(func,lst)    # map-based loop


do_it = lambda f: f()

# let f1, f2, f3 (etc) be functions that perform actions

map(do_it, [f1,f2,f3])

while , .

# statement-based while loop
while <cond>: 
    if <break_condition>: 

# FP-style recursive while loop
def while_block(): 
    if <break_condition>: 
        return 1 
        return 0 

while_FP = lambda: (<cond> and while_block()) or while_FP() 

while while_block(), , (statements). (, , if/else ).

, ( while myvar == 7) , ( ) - ( while_block()). — while_block() .


# imperative version of "echo()"
def echo_IMP():
    while 1: 
        x = input("IMP -- ") 
        if x == 'quit': 


# utility function for "identity with side-effect"
def monadic_print(x):
    return x 
    # FP version of "echo()" 

echo_FP = lambda: monadic_print(input("FP -- ")) == 'quit' or echo_FP() 

. skymorp, , print , input("IMP -- ") == 'quit'. print .

, , /, ( — , ).

monadic_print(), , . , , monadic_print(x) , x.

, — "?!". , , Python. (, , ) — , , . , , - , .

, .

# Nested loop procedural style for finding big products 
xs = (1,2,3,4) 
ys = (10,15,3,22) 
bigmuls = [] 
# ...more stuff...
for x in xs: 
    for y in ys: 
        # ...more stuff...
        if x*y > 25: 
        # ...more stuff...
    # ...more stuff...

, #...more stuff... — , .

xs, ys, bigmuls, x, y . , , , .

, / , . (del) .

. , . :

bigmuls = lambda xs,ys: filter(lambda (x,y):x*y > 25, combine(xs,ys))
combine = lambda xs,ys: map(None, xs*len(ys), dupelms(ys,len(xs)))
dupelms = lambda lst,n: reduce(lambda s,t:s+t, map(lambda l,n=n: [l]*n, lst))

, . - ( ) . , , . — — ( ) :

print([(x,y) for x in (1,2,3,4) for y in (10,15,3,22) if x*y > 25])

, , list, tuple, set, dict comprehensions generator expressions — , , , -

Xoltar Toolkit

, Python 2, . Xoltar Toolkit (Bryn Keller) .

Python. functional, Xoltar Toolkit lazy, , " ". , Xoltar Toolkit , Haskell.

Python , . , , . , .

>>> car = lambda lst: lst[0] 
>>> cdr = lambda lst: lst[1:] 
>>> sum2 = lambda lst: car(lst)+car(cdr(lst)) 
>>> sum2(range(10))
>>> car = lambda lst: lst[2] 
>>> sum2(range(10))

, sum2(range(10)) , , .

, functional Bindings, .

>>> from functional import * 
>>> let = Bindings() 
>>> = lambda lst: lst[0] 
>>> = lambda lst: lst[2] 
Traceback (innermost last): 
    File "<stdin>", 
        line 1, in ? File "d:\tools\", 
        line 976, in __setattr__ raise BindingError, "Binding '%s' cannot be modified." % name 
        functional.BindingError: Binding 'car' cannot be modified. >>> car(range(10)) 0

, BindingError, .


, , , Python. maybe

from returns.maybe import Maybe, maybe
@maybe  # decorator to convert existing Optional[int] to Maybe[int]
def bad_function() -> Optional[int]:
    maybe_number: Maybe[float] = bad_function().map(
    lambda number: number / 2,
# => Maybe will return Some[float] only if there's a non-None value
#    Otherwise, will return Nothing

, :

# Imperative style
user: Optional[User]
discount_program: Optional['DiscountProgram'] = None
if user is not None:
     balance = user.get_balance()
     if balance is not None:
         credit = balance.credit_amount()
         if credit is not None and credit > 0:
            discount_program = choose_discount(credit)

# same with returns

user: Optional[User]
# Type hint here is optional, it only helps the reader here:
discount_program: Maybe['DiscountProgram'] = Maybe.from_value(
    ).map(  # This won't be called if `user is None`
    lambda real_user: real_user.get_balance(),
    ).map(  # This won't be called if `real_user.get_balance()` returns None
    lambda balance: balance.credit_amount(),
    ).map(  # And so on!
    lambda credit: choose_discount(credit) if credit > 0 else None,

, ,

# Imperative style
def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> 'UserProfile':
    """Fetches UserProfile dict from foreign API."""
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
    # What if we try to find user that does not exist?
    # Or network will go down? Or the server will return 500?
    # In this case the next line will fail with an exception.
    # We need to handle all possible errors in this function
    # and do not return corrupt data to consumers.
    # What if we have received invalid JSON?
    # Next line will raise an exception!
    return response.json()

, returns

import requests
from returns.result import Result, safe
from returns.pipeline import flow
from returns.pointfree import bind
def fetch_user_profile(user_id: int) -> Result['UserProfile', Exception]:
    """Fetches `UserProfile` TypedDict from foreign API."""
    return flow(

def _make_request(user_id: int) -> requests.Response:
    response = requests.get('/api/users/{0}'.format(user_id))
    return response

def _parse_json(response: requests.Response) -> 'UserProfile':
    return response.json()

, : , , , , .

, , @safe. Success [YourType] Failure [Exception]. !

, .

. , , returns , - , .

— . , .

>>> for x in [1,4,5,10]:
... print(x, end=' ')
1 4 5 10

, , ( ). , —

>>> items = [1, 4, 5]
>>> it = iter(items)
>>> it.__next__()
>>> it.__next__()
>>> it.__next__()
>>> it.__next__()


for x in obj:
    # statements


_iter = iter(obj) # Get iterator object
while 1:
        x = _iter.__next__() # Get next item
    except StopIteration: # No more items
    # statements

, , iter() . , __iter__() __next__().

, , :

>>> for x in Countdown(10):
... print(x, end=' ')
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


class Countdown(object):
    def __init__(self,start):
        self.start = start
    def __iter__(self):
        return CountdownIter(self.start)

class CountdownIter(object):
    def __init__(self, count):
        self.count = count
    def __next__(self):
        if self.count <= 0:
            raise StopIteration
        r = self.count
        self.count -= 1
        return r

— ,

def countdown(n):
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

, , ( yield). -. .

def countdown(n):
    print("Counting down from", n)
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1
>>> x = countdown(10)
>>> x
<generator object at 0x58490>


>>> x = countdown(10)
>>> x
<generator object at 0x58490>
>>> x.__next__()
Counting down from 10

yield , . __next__(). StopIteration.

>>> x.__next__()
>>> x.__next__()
>>> x.__next__()
>>> x.__next__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?


  • —
  • (__next__, __iter__ . .), .. yield Python .

>>> def x():
...     return 1
>>> def y():
...     yield 1
>>> [i for i in dir(y()) if i not in dir(x())]
['__del__', '__iter__', '__name__', '__next__', '__qualname__', 'close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'gi_yieldfrom', 'send', 'throw']

, generator object.

>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b = (2*x for x in a)
>>> b
<generator object at 0x58760>
>>> for i in b: print(b, end=' ')
2 4 6 8

(expression for i in s if condition)
# the same with
for i in s:
    if condition:
        yield expression


, . — . , , . , , ( , )

, . , :

, , - Apache. ,

: - ... "GET /ply/ply.html HTTP/1.1" 200 97238


bytes_sent = line.rsplit(None,1)[1]

. - ... "GET /ply/ HTTP/1.1" 304 -

if bytes_sent != '-':
    bytes_sent = int(bytes_sent)


with open("access-log") as wwwlog:
    total = 0
    for line in wwwlog:
        bytes_sent = line.rsplit(None,1)[1]
        if bytes_sent != '-':
            total += int(bytes_sent)
    print("Total", total)

. . , .

with open("access-log") as wwwlog:
    bytecolumn = (line.rsplit(None,1)[1] for line in wwwlog)
    bytes_sent = (int(x) for x in bytecolumn if x != '-')
    print("Total", sum(bytes_sent))

, ,

tuberĂ­a simple

, . , , . .

, . 1.3 18.6 , 16,7 .

AWK , 70.5

awk '{ total += $NF } END { print total }' big-access-log


  • , 10% ,
  • , ,
  • , ,

. , ? , , .

yield from

'yield from'

def countdown(n):
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

def countup(stop):
    n = 1
    while n < stop:
        yield n
        n += 1

def up_and_down(n):
    yield from countup(n)
    yield from countdown(n)

>>> for x in up_and_down(3):
... print(x)

, python (3.5 ) yield from await, await , .. await — , . yield from — await.

(, )

— ,

canalizaciĂłn de difusiĂłn multiplex

, ( ) ( ). , .

# same with `tail -f`

def follow(thefile):, os.SEEK_END) # End-of-file
    while True:
        line = thefile.readline()
        if not line:
            time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep briefly
        yield line

def gen_cat(sources):
    for src in sources:
        yield from src

def genfrom_queue(thequeue):
    while True:
        item = thequeue.get()
        if item is StopIteration:
        yield item

def sendto_queue(source, thequeue):
    for item in source:

def multiplex(sources):
    in_q = queue.Queue()
    consumers = []
    for src in sources:
        thr = threading.Thread(target=sendto_queue, args=(src, in_q))
    return gen_cat(consumers)

def broadcast(source, consumers):
    for item in source:
        for c in consumers:

class Consumer(object):
    def send(self,item):
        print(self, "got", item)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c1 = Consumer()
    c2 = Consumer()
    c3 = Consumer()

    log1 = follow(open("foo/access-log"))
    log2 = follow(open("bar/access-log"))
    log3 = follow(open("baz/access-log"))

    lines = multiplex([log1, log2, log3])


— , .

, , , , .

def trace(source):
    for item in source:
        yield item

lines = follow(open("access-log"))
log = trace(apache_log(lines))
r404 = trace(r for r in log if r['status'] == 404)

— , , , ,

. 3.0 . , pathlib.Path.rglob, glob.iglob, os.walk, range, map, filter. — itertools.


  • —
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  • ,
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  • (, , )

  • , ,
  • , .

, . , Python, , - Python . , , .

, , . , — , Python.

Nuestra tarea principal es escribir cĂłdigo claro, comprensible, hermoso y comprobable y elegir las herramientas adecuadas para ello. FP no es un fin en sĂ­ mismo, sino solo un medio, como siempre, para poder escribir un cĂłdigo aĂşn mejor.

Si encuentra errores, escriba en el telegrama Niccolumo envĂ­e un correo electrĂłnico a Me encantarĂ­a recibir crĂ­ticas constructivas.

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