Azure IoT Edge y SQL Edge: descarga de cargas de trabajo en la nube a dispositivos terrestres

Azure IoT Edge es un complemento de IoT Hub que le permite procesar algunos de los datos y procesar eventos localmente en lugar de en la nube, reducir la cantidad de datos transferidos a la nube y mantener el sistema en funcionamiento cuando se pierde la conexiĂłn a la nube.

Azure SQL Edge es un módulo para IoT Edge que le permite implementar procesamiento de datos en streaming, aprendizaje automático directamente en un dispositivo con IoT Edge con bajo consumo de memoria.

Inicialmente, el principio de la computación en la nube consistía en la transferencia centralizada de cargas desde los dispositivos locales a los centros de datos, por lo que la idea misma de devolver el procesamiento en la nube de una parte de los datos, por así decirlo, "de regreso" a un dispositivo terrestre, a primera vista puede no parecer del todo clara. En este material, descubriremos constantemente qué significa esto y qué ventajas ofrece.

También configuraremos un IoT Hub en Azure, implementaremos un tiempo de ejecución de IoT Edge en Windows 10 IoT y Linux, configuraremos y conectaremos un sensor emulado a la nube; Veamos la instalación y configuración de SQL Edge.

Problemas de terminologĂ­a

"" — "edge", , , . "" / , .. , , . " " ( "edge computing") , " " " ". " ".

" " — , - ("") . , , , . .

, , , .


  • . , , , . , "" . Azure , , : , , ;
  • " " : ( , , ). , , , , , ;
  • - -. " ".

" ", :

  • " " . : ;
  • , .. - ;
  • , .. - .


IoT Edge , , , : "".

- :

  • ;
  • ;
  • , , .

IoT Edge " ":

  • . , . "", .. " " , " " . ;
  • . Azure ( HTTP, MQTT, AMQP). , . IoT Edge ;
  • "" " ": , , , , , ;
  • , .

IoT Edge , IoT Edge, "". Edge Azure.

, IoT Edge.

, Azure IoT Hub IoT Edge.

IoT Edge

IoT Edge :

  • — , Azure, , . IoT Edge, ;
  • — IoT Edge ;
  • — IoT Edge. , — Azure.

Azure IoT Edge IoT Hub Basic.

IoT Edge

IoT Edge — , Docker- , . . "" Azure , IoT Edge .

"" Azure , , . Azure Marketplace .

Java, .NET Core 2.0, Node.js, C, Python.

, , (Yocto Linux).

IoT Edge

IoT Edge ( , ) . ARM Intel/AMD ( ) Linux Windows, .. .

: Raspberry Pi, , , .

IoT Edge . ( ), .. - , .


  • , ;
  • Azure IoT Edge;
  • , IoT Edge ;
  • IoT Edge ;
  • IoT Edge , , IoT Edge, IoT Edge .

IoT Edge , — " ". ("downstream") , .

IoT Edge .

IoT Edge

, , . - , , . , .

Azure IoT Edge , :

  • - ;
  • ;
  • " ".

— , IoT Edge. , .

, inputs/inX. IoT Edge IoT Hub, $upstream. SQL- :

FROM <source> WHERE <condition> INTO <sink>


  • source — , , /messages/modules/{module_id}/outputs/{output_id};
  • condition — , ;
  • sink — () .

, , , URI .


FROM /messages/modules/module1/outputs/*
WHERE sensorType="pressure"
INTO $upstream

, .

"" , Azure.

IoT Edge , .

IoT Edge

-, IoT Edge IoT Hub.

IoT Hub — PaaS , .

IoT Edge , , IoT Hub "" IoT Edge, :

  • (transparent) — , IoT Hub HTTP, MQTT, AMQP. "" ;
  • (protocol translation) — . , IoT Hub , HTTP, MQTT, AMQP. IoT Edge "" , IoT Hub. IoT Hub IoT Edge;
  • (identity translation) — , (.. IoT Edge) , , IoT Hub, , .


IoT Edge , , , IoT Hub.

Azure SQL Edge

Azure SQL Edge ( preview) — , IoT Edge. SQL Edge Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, .. SQL Edge , SQL Server Azure SQL Database. , T-SQL.

SQL Edge Azure Marketplace : , , 8 64 , (developer), 4 32 .

SQL Edge :

Azure SQL Edge preview, SQL Server.

, , IoT Edge .

IoT Edge Linux, Windows 10, , Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. IoT Edge

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (Long-term Servicing Channel) — . 10 , , , , , . . (,, 3 "" .

. IoT Edge IoT Edge.

Windows 10 x64, 1809 ( 17763). Moby, IoT Edge, . ( 2020) Windows LTSC.

IoT Edge, . , , , , .

Azure. , .

Azure, . , .

Cloud Shell :

, . , .


Azure IoT:

az extension add --name azure-iot

az account list-locations -o Table

, West Europe. , . , .

rg-aziotedge-test ,

az group create --name rg-aziotedge-test --location westeurope -o json

IoT Hub, , iothub-test-{id}, {id} , , , .. XXYYMMDD, iothub-test-if200810. id , {id}.

IoT Hub :

az iot hub create --name iothub-test-{id} -g rg-aziotedge-test --sku S1 --location westeurope -o json

IoT Hub IoT Edge edge1:

az iot hub device-identity create --device-id edge1 --edge-enabled --hub-name iothub-test-{id} --auth-method shared_private_key

, IoT Hub, :

az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --device-id edge1 --hub-name iothub-test-{id}


, Azure. Resource Groups, rg-aziotedge-test. IoT Hub .

Automatic Device Management IoT Edge IoT Edge. Primary Connection String, .

. , .

Windows 10

Windows 10, :

  • IoT Edge Azure, , ;
  • Windows 10 .

. VirtualBox .

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 (1809) . , .


Windows. , (Nested) . .

Azure, :

az vm create --resource-group rg-aziotedge-test --name EdgeVM --image MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:Windows-10:rs5-pro:latest --admin-username azureuser --admin-password {password} --size Standard_DS1_v2

{password} — .


Windows 10 , . PowerShell x64 .

, .

, 64- PowerShell,

(Get-Process -Id $PID).StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"]

, Windows IoT Edge, , Moby IoT Edge:

. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; Deploy-IoTEdge

, .

PowerShell x64 . IoT Edge, :

. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; `
Initialize-IoTEdge -ContainerOs Windows

. , ( ).

, IoT Edge ,

Get-Service iotedge


. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; Get-IoTEdgeLog

, IoT Edge,

iotedge list

, .

, Edge . .

IoT Edge IoT Hub.

IoT Edge

. , Marketplace.

, , . , . .

Azure Marketplace, .

Azure IoT Hub Automatic Device Management IoT Edge. edge1.

Set Modules.

IoT Edge Modules Add Marketplace Module .

Simulated Temperature Sensor .

, SimulatedTemperatureSensor , (Desired status) running.

Next: Routes.

, Routes, . , IoT Hub. -. .

route IoT Hub ($upstream). SimulatedTemperatureSensorToIoTHub , Marketplace. SimulatedTemperatureSensor IoT Hub. , , . .

Next: Review + create, .

Review + create JSON, , IoT Edge. , SimulatedTemperatureSensor , edgeAgent, edgeHub. Create.

: IoT Edge , - . IoT Hub . , . (, , .. ) , . , IoT Edge, , . , Refresh , running, :

Windows 10 PowerShell x64 .

, , , ,

iotedge list

, :

iotedge logs SimulatedTemperatureSensor -f

, : .

Ctrl+C, .

Azure Cloud Shell. , IoT Hub:

az iot hub monitor-events --hub-name iothub-test-{id} --device-id edge1

{id} , .

, IoT Hub , Ctrl+C, .

, Windows 10. , 500 . PowerShell:

iotedge restart SimulatedTemperatureSensor

, , , :

To change this, set the environment variable MessageCount to the number of messages that should be sent (set it to -1 to send unlimited messages).

, . ("registry"), IoT Edge , .


"" Azure:

  • Azure Functions ( )
  • Azure Stream Analytics ( )
  • Azure Machine Learning ( "")
  • Azure Custom Vision ( )
  • Azure SQL Server ( "")

Stream Analytics. , "" IoT Edge.

Stream Analytics "" "", . , Stream Analytics Azure, IoT Edge .

, , 30- . 70 , , - .


Azure Stream Analytics. Azure, :

  1. Azure Create a resource, Storage, Storage account.
  2. : Resource group: rg-aziotedge-test, Name: asatest{id}, Region: West Europe, Replication: LRS, .
  3. Review + create, Create.

Stream Analytics:

  1. Azure Create a resource, Internet of Things, Stream Analytics job.
  2. : Job name: asa-iotedge-test, Resource group: rg-aziotedge-test, Location: West Europe, Hosting environment: Edge.
  3. Create. Go to resource.
  4. Configure Storage account settings, Add storage account , (asatest{id}). Container ( , , asa) Save.

Stream Analytics:

  1. Job topology Inputs, Add stream input, Edge Hub. Input alias temperature, Event serialization format: JSON, Encoding: UTF-8, Event compression type: None. Save.
  2. Output alert, .

Job Topology Query :

    'reset' AS command
   temperature TIMESTAMP BY timeCreated
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(second,30)
HAVING Avg(machine.temperature) > 70

Save query.

reset alert, 70 30- .

IoT Edge.

  1. Azure IoT Edge.
  2. Set modules, Add Azure Stream Analytics Module asa-iotedge-test. Save.

, , . Cancel. Routes.


alertsToCloud FROM /messages/modules/asa-iotedge-test/* INTO $upstream
alertsToReset FROM /messages/modules/asa-iotedge-test/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/inputs/control")
telemetryToAsa FROM /messages/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/asa-iotedge-test/inputs/temperature")

Stream Analytics, — IoT Hub.

Review + Create, Create. (Refresh), , asa-iotedge-test .

, , Windows 10 SimulatedTemperatureSensor:

iotedge restart SimulatedTemperatureSensor

reset, ( - ).

iotedge logs -f SimulatedTemperatureSensor

, Ctrl+C.

IoT Edge , IoT Edge :

  • (downstream) . IoT Hub;
  • IoT Hub ;
  • , IoT Hub.


  1. . IoT Edge . , , IoT Edge, - . IoT Edge. , Manage Child Devices Cloud Shell.
  2. IoT Hub. IoT Edge Azure. , IoT Edge , IoT Hub.
  3. . ( ) IoT Edge , IoT Hub. IoT Edge. timeToLiveSecs $edgeHub. — 68 , .. , IoT Edge. — 2 .
  4. IoT Hub. IoT Hub. .

, IoT Edge , "" IoT Edge, .

, IoT Edge SimulatedTemperatureSensor . PowerShell:

iotedge restart SimulatedTemperatureSensor

Cloud Shell IoT Edge:

az iot hub monitor-events --hub-name iothub-test-{id} --device-id edge1

, , .

Cloud Shell , , , .

, .

SQL Edge

SQL Edge preview Linux, Linux- Azure IoT Edge.

, IoT Edge. ,

IoT Edge , Cloud Shell :

az iot hub device-identity create --device-id edge2 --edge-enabled --hub-name iothub-test-{id} --auth-method shared_private_key
az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --device-id edge2 --hub-name iothub-test-{id}


, {password} . .

az vm create --resource-group rg-aziotedge-test --name vm-edge2 --image microsoft_iot_edge:iot_edge_vm_ubuntu:ubuntu_1604_edgeruntimeonly:latest --admin-username azureuser --admin-password {password} --size Standard_DS1_v2 --authentication-type password

Cloud Shell:

ssh azureuser@{publicIpAddress}

{publicIpAddress} — .

yes. . Ubuntu, .

, IoT Edge ,

iotedge version

IoT Edge 1.0.9, , :

curl -L -o libiothsm-std.deb && sudo dpkg -i ./libiothsm-std.deb
curl -L -o iotedge.deb && sudo dpkg -i ./iotedge.deb

, N ( ).

IoT Edge:

systemctl restart iotedge

, .

IoT Edge IoT Hub,

sudo /etc/iotedge/ "{ }"

. .

SQL Edge IoT Edge.

  1. Azure Create a resource.
  2. Search the Marketplace Azure SQL Edge Enter.
  3. Azure SQL Edge — Preview , Developer Create.
  4. Target Devices for IoT Edge Module : Subscription: , IoT Hub: iothub-test-{id}, IoT Edge Device Name: edge2. Create.
  5. Set Modules on device AzureSQLEdgePreview.
  6. Environment Variables . . SA_PASSWORD: ( ), MSSQL_LCID: SQL Server (1049 ), MSSQL_COLLATION: ( ).
  7. Module Settings Restart Policy: always Desired Status: running. Update.
  8. Review + create, Create.
  9. IoT Edge .

1433 SQL Edge. :

  1. Azure rg-aziotedge-test.
  2. vm-edge2NSG. .
  3. Settings Inbound security rules, Add.
  4. Destination port ranges 1433, Protocol: TCP, Name: SQL, Action: Allow. . Add.

SQL Edge . , SQL Edge IoT Edge. SQL Edge .

  1. Azure Data Studio.
  2. Start New Connection.
  3. Server: IP- . Authentication type: SQL Login, User name: sa, Password: SQL Edge, . Connect.


New Query :


Run Results :



. , , TestDatabase :

   ID   INT              NOT NULL, 
   AGE  INT              NOT NULL, 
   ADDRESS  CHAR (25) , 
   SALARY   DECIMAL (18, 2),        

Run. , :

T-SQL, .

, SQL Edge SQL Server. . , SQL Edge:

end-to-end SQL Edge .

rg-aziotedge-test .

IoT Edge SQL Edge. IoT Edge Windows, Linux.

Microsoft , .

Microsoft — .

— , . sergant (at)

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