3D ML. Parte 3: conjuntos de datos y marcos en 3D ML

Trabajando en un área temática específica dentro del marco del aprendizaje automático (en nuestro caso, esto es 3D), es necesario comprender cuáles son los principales conjuntos de datos sobre los cuales se entrenan y prueban los modelos, así como qué bibliotecas y programas existen para un trabajo cómodo teniendo en cuenta las especificidades de los datos.

3D ML 3D .

3D ML :

  1. 3D
  2. 3D ML
  3. 3D ML

GitHub .



, , . , . 3D ML .1. github ( geometricdeeplearning.com Tutorials).

.1 3D ML.

, ( , ), . -, : , ( ShapeNet). -, , , , .

.2 3D Geometric Deep Learning SGP 2018.

, , , , , .

3D ML, , , , .

, GDL.

1. ShapeNet (2015) [1]

3 (.obj ), 4 . . : , , . (SHREC, ICCV) 3D ML.


  • ShapeNetCore: 51300 55 .
  • ShapeNetSem: 12000 270 .

2D-to-3D , 3D . , , , .

2. ModelNet (2015) [2]

127915 3D 662 ( .off).


  • ModelNet10: 4899 10 .
  • ModelNet40: 12311 40 , .

, “ModelNet Benchmark”. ShapeNet , , .

3. Pix3D (2018) [3]

395 3D .obj .mat (.mat Matlab , scipy.io). 9 , . , , 3D .

, 2D-to-3D. .

4. ABC dataset (2019) [4]

CAD . , , , , .

, 3D ML, . , 3D .


.3 3D [4].

5. VOCASET: Speech-4D Head Scan Dataset (2019) [5]

VOCASET — 4D face dataset 29- , 60 . 12 480 3-4 , , .

6. ScanNet (2017) [6]

RGB-D , 2,5 1500 , 3D-, .

, (indoor scene), , .

7. Semantic3D (2017) [7]

, 3D , (outdoor scene) 4 , .

KITTY, Semantic3D , .

8. Campus3D (2020) [8]

. 3D ( 900 ).

.4 [8].


.5 , Kaolin [9].

, , , , , (.. train/test pipelines). , . .

, , , 3D . Blender, PCL (Point cloud library) MeshLab. , Python, ( Tensorflow Pytorch) .

Unity 3D Unity ML agents , ( RL ). ML agents RL : , , , .

, .

, 3D ML (. Kaolin .5):

.6 . PyTorch3D.

, [9] NVIDIA Kaolin, [10] PyTorch3D, TensorFlow Graphics [11].

, , : , polyscope, , , mesh_to_sdf.

1. PyTorch Geometric (Fey & Lenssen: Department of Computer Graphics TU Dortmund University | 2019) [12]

— PyTorch, , . , . .

, PyTorch Geometric 3D ML, . — . . PyTorch3D.

: Linux; Windows; Mac (CPU only).


2. TensorFlow Graphics (Google Brain | 2019) [11]

PyTorch Geometric, TensorFlow Graphics .

, TensorBoard, 3D . ( TensorFlow PyTorch), TensorBoard 3D.

, TensorFlow Graphics . .

: Linux; Windows; Mac.


.6 TensorBoard 3D. .

3. NVidia Kaolin (NVidia | 2019) [9]

3D ML, ( ). — , .

, , .

: Linux; Windows (unstable).


.7 Kaolin [9].

4. PyTorch 3D (Facebook research | 2019) [10]

Linux , , (. PyTorch Geometric + trimesh + polyscope) 3D ML.

CPU GPU. , 3D ML: chamfer loss, , , , 3D PyTorch .

. .

: Linux; Mac; Windows (unstable).


5. Points 3D (Chaton & Chaulet: Principia Labs | 2020)

. SOTA , .

CPU GPU. , .


: Linux; Mac; Windows.


.8 Jupyter Lab , Points 3D .

1. Kornia (2019) [50]

3D ML , , geometrical deep learning Kornia PyTorch.

.9 [13].

, , , Kornia , 3D ML , RGB-D .


2. Polyscope

. trimesh ( ). , . .

.10 Polyscope.

3. trimesh


  • ;
  • (ICP .);
  • , .;
  • .



4. mesh_to_sdf

.11 SDF mesh_to_sdf .

SDF . non-watertight meshes: , , , .. non-manifold .


DeepSDF [14].

5. Open3D [15]

trimesh. Python C++. .

[15], .

— deep learning machine learning. 3D ML , , , .

, , . PyTroch3D + , trimesh, PCL Open3D ( C++ ), Python API Blender, .

"SGP 2020 Graduate School: Black Box Geometric Computing with Python", Python, , 3D .

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