Despliegue azul-verde con salarios mínimos

En este artículo, usamos bash , ssh , docker y nginx para organizar un diseño perfecto de una aplicación web. La implementación azul-verde es una técnica que le permite actualizar instantáneamente su aplicación sin rechazar ninguna solicitud. Es una de las estrategias de implementación sin tiempo de inactividad y es la más adecuada para aplicaciones que tienen una instancia, pero es posible cargar una segunda instancia lista para ejecutar en paralelo.

Supongamos que tiene una aplicación web con la que muchos clientes están trabajando activamente y que no puede permanecer inactiva durante un par de segundos. Y realmente necesita implementar una actualización de la biblioteca, corregir un error o una nueva característica interesante. En una situación normal, deberá detener la aplicación, reemplazarla y reiniciarla. En el caso de la ventana acoplable, primero puede reemplazar, luego reiniciar, pero aún habrá un período en el que las solicitudes a la aplicación no se procesan, porque generalmente la aplicación tarda algún tiempo en iniciarse. ¿Qué pasa si se pone en marcha, pero resulta inoperante? Esta es la tarea, solucionémosla con los medios mínimos y lo más elegante posible.

Descargo de responsabilidad: la mayor parte del artículo se presenta en un formato experimental, en forma de grabación de sesión de consola. Con suerte, no será muy difícil de entender, y este código es suficientemente autodocumentado. Para la atmósfera, imagine que estos no son solo fragmentos de código, sino papel de un teletipo de "hierro".

Al principio de cada sección se describen técnicas interesantes que son difíciles de buscar en Google con solo leer el código. Si no entiende algo más, busque en Google y consulte explicaciones (afortunadamente, funciona de nuevo, debido al desbloqueo del telegrama). Lo que no está en Google, pregunte en los comentarios. Me complace agregar la sección correspondiente "Técnicas interesantes".


$ mkdir blue-green-deployment && cd $_


Creemos un servicio experimental y colóquelo en un contenedor.

Técnicas interesantes

, Python. . , ( ), .

$ cat << EOF >

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from time import monotonic

app_version = 1
app_name = f'Uptimer v{app_version}.0'
loading_seconds = 15 - app_version * 5

class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        if self.path == '/':
                t = monotonic() - server_start
                if t < loading_seconds:
                    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
                    response = f'<h2>{app_name} is running for {t:3.1f} seconds.</h2>\n'
            except Exception:

httpd = HTTPServer(('', 8080), Handler)
server_start = monotonic()
print(f'{app_name} (loads in {loading_seconds} sec.) started.')


$ cat << EOF > Dockerfile
FROM python:alpine
CMD [ "python", "-u", "./" ]

$ docker build --tag uptimer .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  39.42kB
Step 1/4 : FROM python:alpine
 ---> 8ecf5a48c789
Step 2/4 : EXPOSE 8080
 ---> Using cache
 ---> cf92d174c9d3
Step 3/4 : COPY
 ---> a7fbb33d6b7e
Step 4/4 : CMD [ "python", "-u", "./" ]
 ---> Running in 1906b4bd9fdf
Removing intermediate container 1906b4bd9fdf
 ---> c1655b996fe8
Successfully built c1655b996fe8
Successfully tagged uptimer:latest

$ docker run --rm --detach --name uptimer --publish 8080:8080 uptimer

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
8f88c944b8bf        uptimer             "python -u ./"   3 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>8080/tcp   uptimer

$ docker logs uptimer
Uptimer v1.0 (loads in 10 sec.) started.

$ wget -qSO- http://localhost:8080
  HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
  Server: BaseHTTP/0.6 Python/3.8.3
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 19:52:40 GMT
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
  Content-Length: 484

$ wget -qSO- http://localhost:8080
  HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  Server: BaseHTTP/0.6 Python/3.8.3
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 19:52:45 GMT
  Content-Type: text/html
<h2>Uptimer v1.0 is running for 15.4 seconds.</h2>

$ docker rm --force uptimer


, , - , . - nginx -. - . .

- docker network. , -, .

- , docker network - , --publish, -.

- 80, , . 80- , --publish 80:80 --publish ANY_FREE_PORT:80.

$ docker network create web-gateway

$ docker run --detach --rm --name uptimer --network web-gateway uptimer

$ docker run --rm --network web-gateway alpine wget -qO- http://uptimer:8080
<h2>Uptimer v1.0 is running for 11.5 seconds.</h2>

$ docker run --detach --publish 80:80 --network web-gateway --name reverse-proxy nginx:alpine

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
80695a822c19        nginx:alpine        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   27 seconds ago       Up 25 seconds>80/tcp   reverse-proxy
a1105f1b583d        uptimer             "python -u ./"     About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp             uptimer

$ cat << EOF > uptimer.conf
server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://uptimer:8080;

$ docker cp ./uptimer.conf reverse-proxy:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

$ docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload
2020/06/23 20:51:03 [notice] 31#31: signal process started

$ wget -qSO- http://localhost
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: nginx/1.19.0
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 19:56:24 GMT
  Content-Type: text/html
  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  Connection: keep-alive
<h2>Uptimer v1.0 is running for 104.1 seconds.</h2>

( startup performance) .

  • echo 'my text' | docker exec -i my-container sh -c 'cat > /my-file.txt'my text /my-file.txt my-container.
  • cat > /my-file.txt/dev/stdin.

$ sed -i "s/app_version = 1/app_version = 2/"

$ docker build --tag uptimer .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  39.94kB
Step 1/4 : FROM python:alpine
 ---> 8ecf5a48c789
Step 2/4 : EXPOSE 8080
 ---> Using cache
 ---> cf92d174c9d3
Step 3/4 : COPY
 ---> 3eca6a51cb2d
Step 4/4 : CMD [ "python", "-u", "./" ]
 ---> Running in 8f13c6d3d9e7
Removing intermediate container 8f13c6d3d9e7
 ---> 1d56897841ec
Successfully built 1d56897841ec
Successfully tagged uptimer:latest

$ docker run --detach --rm --name uptimer_BLUE --network web-gateway uptimer

$ docker logs uptimer_BLUE
Uptimer v2.0 (loads in 5 sec.) started.

$ docker run --rm --network web-gateway alpine wget -qO- http://uptimer_BLUE:8080
<h2>Uptimer v2.0 is running for 23.9 seconds.</h2>

$ sed s/uptimer/uptimer_BLUE/ uptimer.conf | docker exec --interactive reverse-proxy sh -c 'cat > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf'

$ docker exec reverse-proxy cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://uptimer_BLUE:8080;

$ docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload
2020/06/25 21:22:23 [notice] 68#68: signal process started

$ wget -qO- http://localhost
<h2>Uptimer v2.0 is running for 63.4 seconds.</h2>

$ docker rm -f uptimer

$ wget -qO- http://localhost
<h2>Uptimer v2.0 is running for 84.8 seconds.</h2>

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
96932d4ca97a        uptimer             "python -u ./"     About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp             uptimer_BLUE
80695a822c19        nginx:alpine        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   8 minutes ago        Up 8 minutes>80/tcp   reverse-proxy

, , . (, CI-) .

, localhost localhost , . :

$ ssh production-server docker image ls
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

$ docker image save uptimer | ssh production-server 'docker image load'
Loaded image: uptimer:latest

$ ssh production-server docker image ls
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
uptimer             latest              1d56897841ec        5 minutes ago       78.9MB

docker save .tar , 1.5 , . :

$ docker image save uptimer | gzip | ssh production-server 'zcat | docker image load'
Loaded image: uptimer:latest

, (, ):

$ docker image save uptimer | gzip | pv | ssh production-server 'zcat | docker image load'
25,7MiB 0:01:01 [ 425KiB/s] [                   <=>    ]
Loaded image: uptimer:latest

: SSH , ~/.ssh/config.

docker image save/load — , . :

  1. Container Registry ( ).
  2. docker daemon :

    2. -H --host docker-compose.
    3. docker context

( ) How to deploy on remote Docker hosts with docker-compose.

, . top-level , , .

  • ${parameter?err_msg} — bash- (aka parameter substitution). parameter , err_msg 1.
  • docker --log-driver journald — -, - . , production- .

deploy() {
    local image_name=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name"}

    ensure-reverse-proxy || return 2
    if get-active-slot $image_name
        local OLD=${image_name}_BLUE
        local new_slot=GREEN
        local OLD=${image_name}_GREEN
        local new_slot=BLUE
    local NEW=${image_name}_${new_slot}
    echo "Deploying '$NEW' in place of '$OLD'..."
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --restart always \
        --log-driver journald \
        --name $NEW \
        --network web-gateway \
        $image_name || return 3
    echo "Container started. Checking health..."
    for i in {1..20}
        sleep 1
        if get-service-status $image_name $new_slot
            echo "New '$NEW' service seems OK. Switching heads..."
            sleep 2  # Ensure service is ready
            set-active-slot $image_name $new_slot || return 4
            echo "The '$NEW' service is live!"
            sleep 2  # Ensure all requests were processed
            echo "Killing '$OLD'..."
            docker rm -f $OLD
            docker image prune -f
            echo "Deployment successful!"
            return 0
        echo "New '$NEW' service is not ready yet. Waiting ($i)..."
    echo "New '$NEW' service did not raise, killing it. Failed to deploy T_T"
    docker rm -f $NEW
    return 5


  • ensure-reverse-proxy — , - ( )
  • get-active-slot service_name — (BLUE GREEN)
  • get-service-status service_name deployment_slot
  • set-active-slot service_name deployment_slot — nginx -


ensure-reverse-proxy() {
    is-container-up reverse-proxy && return 0
    echo "Deploying reverse-proxy..."
    docker network create web-gateway
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --restart always \
        --log-driver journald \
        --name reverse-proxy \
        --network web-gateway \
        --publish 80:80 \
        nginx:alpine || return 1
    docker exec --interactive reverse-proxy sh -c "> /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"
    docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload

is-container-up() {
    local container=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} container_name"}

    [ -n "$(docker ps -f name=${container} -q)" ]
    return $?

get-active-slot() {
    local image=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name"}

    if is-container-up ${image}_BLUE && is-container-up ${image}_GREEN; then
        echo "Collision detected! Stopping ${image}_GREEN..."
        docker rm -f ${image}_GREEN
        return 0  # BLUE
    if is-container-up ${image}_BLUE && ! is-container-up ${image}_GREEN; then
        return 0  # BLUE
    if ! is-container-up ${image}_BLUE; then
        return 1  # GREEN

get-service-status() {
    local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name deployment_slot"
    local image=${1?usage_msg}
    local slot=${2?$usage_msg}

    case $image in
        # Add specific healthcheck paths for your services here
        *) local health_check_port_path=":8080/" ;;
    local health_check_address="http://${image}_${slot}${health_check_port_path}"
    echo "Requesting '$health_check_address' within the 'web-gateway' docker network:"
    docker run --rm --network web-gateway alpine \
        wget --timeout=1 --quiet --server-response $health_check_address
    return $?

set-active-slot() {
    local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} service_name deployment_slot"
    local service=${1?$usage_msg}
    local slot=${2?$usage_msg}
    [ "$slot" == BLUE ] || [ "$slot" == GREEN ] || return 1

    get-nginx-config $service $slot | docker exec --interactive reverse-proxy sh -c "cat > /etc/nginx/conf.d/$service.conf"
    docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -t || return 2
    docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload

get-active-slot :

, ?

, exit code bash , . , :

get-active-slot service && echo BLUE || echo GREEN.

, ?

, , else.

, nginx: get-nginx-config service_name deployment_slot. , . — cat <<- EOF, . , — , . bash , nginx . , . , , " ", 4 EOF. .

, cat << 'EOF', . cat << EOF, heredoc ( ($foo), ($(bar)) ..), , $ . .

get-nginx-config() {
    local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name deployment_slot"
    local image=${1?$usage_msg}
    local slot=${2?$usage_msg}
    [ "$slot" == BLUE ] || [ "$slot" == GREEN ] || return 1

    local container_name=${image}_${slot}
    case $image in
        # Add specific nginx configs for your services here
        *) nginx-config-simple-service $container_name:8080 ;;

nginx-config-simple-service() {
    local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} proxy_pass"
    local proxy_pass=${1?$usage_msg}

cat << EOF
server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://$proxy_pass;

. wget curl.

. localhost :

$ ssh-copy-id localhost
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
himura@localhost's password: 

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh 'localhost'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

, , ? , - ( nginx url ). , ( ), , = .

1: , scp. ssh .


  • , , .
  • ( ).
  • .


  • sed
  • shh pipe (|)


  • Truely stateless
  • No boilerplate entities
  • Feeling cool

Ansible. , . , . , , :

$ cat << 'EOF' >


usage_msg="Usage: $0 ssh_address local_image_tag"

echo "Connecting to '$ssh_address' via ssh to seamlessly deploy '$image_name'..."
( sed "\$a deploy $image_name" | ssh -T $ssh_address ) << 'END_OF_SCRIPT'
deploy() {
    echo "Yay! The '${FUNCNAME[0]}' function is executing on '$(hostname)' with argument '$1'"


$ chmod +x

$ ./ localhost magic-porridge-pot
Connecting to 'localhost' via ssh to seamlessly deploy 'magic-pot'...
Yay! The 'deploy' function is executing on 'hut' with argument 'magic-porridge-pot'

, , bash, ( shellbang):

if [ "$SHELL" != "/bin/bash" ]
    echo "The '$SHELL' shell is not supported by ''. Set a '/bin/bash' shell for '$USER@$HOSTNAME'."
    exit 1


$ docker exec reverse-proxy rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

$ wget -qO

$ chmod +x

$ ./ localhost uptimer
Sending gzipped image 'uptimer' to 'localhost' via ssh...
Loaded image: uptimer:latest
Connecting to 'localhost' via ssh to seamlessly deploy 'uptimer'...
Deploying 'uptimer_GREEN' in place of 'uptimer_BLUE'...
Container started. Checking health...
Requesting 'http://uptimer_GREEN:8080/' within the 'web-gateway' docker network:
  HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
New 'uptimer_GREEN' service is not ready yet. Waiting (1)...
Requesting 'http://uptimer_GREEN:8080/' within the 'web-gateway' docker network:
  HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
New 'uptimer_GREEN' service is not ready yet. Waiting (2)...
Requesting 'http://uptimer_GREEN:8080/' within the 'web-gateway' docker network:
  HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  Server: BaseHTTP/0.6 Python/3.8.3
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 20:15:50 GMT
  Content-Type: text/html

New 'uptimer_GREEN' service seems OK. Switching heads...
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
2020/08/22 20:15:54 [notice] 97#97: signal process started
The 'uptimer_GREEN' service is live!
Killing 'uptimer_BLUE'...
Total reclaimed space: 0B
Deployment successful!

http://localhost/ , , .


$ docker rm -f uptimer_GREEN reverse-proxy 

$ docker network rm web-gateway 

$ cd ..

$ rm -r blue-green-deployment

Disclaimer: . , bash-. bash — , , , systemd, systemd /etc/init.d/ . , Docker Swarm Mode () y muchos orquestadores poderosos con toneladas de diseños perfectos listos para usar. Pero los instrumentos prefabricados nunca son la panacea. Este script nació no solo por amor a los scripts bash, sino también porque hace mucho tiempo, en una galaxia muy, muy lejana, resultó ser más fácil escribir que implementar un orquestador. Además, se puede modificar fácilmente para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de aplicaciones específicas.

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